48. Beautiful

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"Promise love."

Justin's POV

Watching Kiera sleep peacefully in my embrace, the last few moments flicker through my mind. I can't believe that she actually thought she was ugly to me. That she interpreted my actions in a way that made her think I didn't want her because of her scars. It was the most absurd and ridiculous concept in the world. That wasn't even humanly possible for her to be ugly to me. She was so perfect. I could care less about the scars, in fact I barely even noticed them at all.

"I'm so sorry love." I whisper softly, leaning down to press light kisses across her face, feeling guilt course through me. Maybe I wasn't showering her with enough compliments or love. I obviously needed to change my ways and make sure that she could never have any doubt of my love or adoration for her again. I couldn't allow that. That sadness and hurt I felt from her was indescribable.

Watching her sleep for about an hour or so, soon her eyes flicker open.

"Feel better baby?" I ask, looking down at her lovingly.

"Mmmhmm." She yawns, closing her eyes again and nuzzling my chest.

"Good. Are you hungry baby? I can get you something. I also need to clean up the glass on the floor. I can't have you hurting yourself on accident." I say, rubbing my face against hers gently.

"A little Jay. I need to go to the bathroom." She says sitting up and rubbing her eyes lightly.

"Alright baby. I'll carry you then." I say, effortlessly picking her up in my arms and toting her into the other room.

"Thanks Jay." She says, giving me a kiss on her face.

Gently setting her down in the bathroom, I quickly kiss her face before flashing back to the bedroom to clean up the glass and then to get Kiera food.

"Kiera? Love? I finished cleaning up and have food for you." I call from outside the bathroom door before settling down on our bed, the food on the night stand.

"Love?" I call worriedly, a few moments later.

"Baby?" I ask again, gently pushing open the door to the bathroom to see her standing in front of the sink staring blankly into the mirror.

"Don't baby. Don't do this to yourself. You're beautiful Kiera." I murmur to her, gently pressing kisses to her injured side of her face, cradling her in my arms.

"Come on, come back to bed with me. I made your favorite." I coax.

"Okay." She finally whispers, turning from the mirror to look up at me, insecurity still showing in her eyes.

"Look at me baby. You are beautiful. So beautiful to me. I love you and I always will no matter what okay? Don't listen to my fans or the press or anyone, don't let them get to you, don't let them tear you down, don't give them the satisfaction. They are simple minded, judgmental, petty and selfish, they don't understand, they don't know you like I know you. Because if they did they would love you just as much as I do. You are gorgeous, you are flawless and you are perfect. And I love you more than I can even begin to describe or show you." I reassure her with fierceness, cupping her face in my hands gently.

Seeing her smile lightly, I smile back, leaning down to press kisses across her face before gently pulling her back into our room.

"Let me show you how beautiful you are to me." I ask once back into our room, door shut, while I place loving kisses across her face and neck while my arms snake around her waist, pulling her into me more.

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