70. Under The Weather

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"Yep just another normal day in the life of touring with a worldwide super star."  

Kiera's POV

*Three Days Later*

Hearing a buzz of a phone on the night stand break through my light slumber, I groan lightly, digging my face into Ryan's chest more, attempting to shut out the noise.

"Ryan!" I hear Chaz hiss lightly from behind me.

"I know, I know. I thought I turned it off." Ryan hisses back as I feel him reach over to grab his phone and silence it.

"Sorry baby. Just go back to sleep." Ryan sooths, pressing a light kiss to my forehead while Chaz rubs circles on my back.

"Who was it from Ry?" I mumble sleepily, still unwilling to open my eyes.

"It was just a text from Kenny." Ryan dismisses lightly.

"Kenny? What did it say? Is everything okay?" I say surprised, forcing myself to open my eyes and focus. See Kenny didn't usually text them or me unless it was something to do with Justin. And that something to do with Justin usually meant him freaking out on some Guard member or staff because I wasn't with him.

"It's nothing baby. It's not more important that you getting rest and feeling better."

"Ryan." I warn, turning my face to look at him sternly.

"Fine." He finally sighs, caving quickly. "Kenny said Justin was freaking out and wanted to know if you were coming down anytime soon."

"Ugh. Okay. I guess that's my cue. Come on guys." I groan, reluctantly pushing myself up on my forearms to get up, wincing lightly as pain shoots through my stomach and head. I was not only exhausted, but with my stomach and lower abdomen hurting and a brewing head ache on the way, I felt like crap. Thus why I was still in bed, napping at 2 in the afternoon instead of with Justin at his photo shoot. I was really hoping that it was just because of the stress and contsant travel of tour that had me under the weather (and maybe it had a little to do with the boys constant hovering and aruging).

But beside the point, Justin needed me and you could be sure that I was going to be there for him, despite the fact I felt like crap.

"No Kiera." Ryan says, his grip around my waist tightening, pulling me against his chest again.

"Ryannn." I moan lightly in protest.

"No. You shouldn't push yourself if you don't feel good." Ryan scolds.

"I'm not that bad guys, really. Just let me get up and get moving. I'll be fine I'm sure." I protest, wiggling in Ryan and Chaz's grasp.

"No Ryan is right. We're not letting you leave this bed." Chaz replies firmly smashing me between their two bodies.

"Guys!!!" I whine again.

"Come on Kiera. How can you not expect us to be worried?" Chaz asks, his hand rubbing my side soothingly.

"Guys come on. Stop stressing. I'm just a little tired and have a slight stomach ache and head ache is all. It's not the end of the world. You act like I'm going to die or something. Besides Justin needs me and I need to be there for him. You know how he gets when I'm not around for long lengths of time." I say, rolling my eyes at their behavior.

"Yeah but-" Ryan starts to protest.

"Seriously guys I'll be okay. You gotta let me get up and get ready. It's really sweet that you guys care, but I promise I'll be fine." I sooth, pressing a kiss in the center of Ryan's upper chest.

"Mmm. Okay fineee." Ryan groans, his eyes closing lightly in contentment.

"Fine." Chaz grumbles slightly as I turn around to face him, repeating the action I had just done with Ryan.

"Good. " I say grinning at my accomplishment.

"Kiera!?" Justin says in relief, his head snapping up to stare at me literally the moment I walk in the door and in the next moment he was by my side.

"Easy Jay." I say a bit tiredly, laying a hand on his chest. Apparently getting out of bed this morning proved to be more of a challenge than I had anticipated.

"Baby where have you been? I was worried- wait- are you okay?" Justin asks, stopping mid rant, his expression scrunching up adorably to show instant concern.

"I'm just a little tired and don't feel great so I had a hard time getting up this morning." I respond, shaking my head lightly.

"What?" I ask a few moments later seeing a frown appear on Justin's face.

"I don't like it when my baby doesn't feel good. How about we go back to the hotel and you can rest?" He says, nuzzling my neck a few times.

"No I'm not going to let you do that Jay. It's nothing. You need to finish the shoot, I know you're almost done. Just calm down. I'm okay, really." I reassure, rubbing his face gently.

"Fine. But you're going to stay on the couch with Ryan and Chaz until I'm done." He says sternly, picking me up and placing me carefully on the couch, wrapping a fuzzy blanket around me.

"Fine." I sigh, giving in to Justin's request, knowing very well that he wouldn't rest or focus until I complied.

"Good." Justin says, seemingly satisfied with himself.

"Now go Jay. I'm fine. I promise I'll stay right here with the boys. I'll watch Nextflix or something okay?" I reassure, grabbing my tablet out of my bag.

"Okay baby. Stay." He repeats again sternly before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

Rolling my eyes at his over protectiveness I just snuggle closer into the blanket with my tablet, content and wait for Justin to finish. Yep just another normal day in the life of touring with a worldwide super star.

HisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora