8. Options & A Deal

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"I don't really have a choice do I?"  

Kiera's POV

Finally stopping crying after a while I curl up in a ball on my side and lay looking out at the window. How did everything go so wrong? Hearing a crash I jump and look towards the door only to hear Justin's voice incoherently before finally falling into a restless sleep.

"Kiera?" I hear a voice say, breaking through my unconsciousness. Flickering my eyes open I jump slightly, sitting up in bed and scooting away from this unknown person.

"Who are you?" I ask, shrinking away slightly and flinching.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I scared you. I'm not going to hurt you." The man says holding his hands up.

"I'm Scott Braun, Justin's manager. You can call me Scooter though." He says.

"Oh..." I say trailing off awkwardly, unsure of why he was in here.

"Look I know you are probably really confused right now and scared and mad, but please. Justin is uncontrollable right now. He's panicking. He really needs you. He flipped off paparazzi that were flying over the house a few hours ago. Can you just like come out and help settle him down?" He pleads.

"Uhhh... What can I do?" I ask looking at him questioningly. I was so confused. Why was he flipping out? Why did I have to be the one to calm him down?

"More than you know. I know he hasn't really explained things to you and it's not my place or I would. But please, you're the only one who can." Scooter all but begs.

"I can't. Even if I wanted to." I say, holding up my wrist and jingling the chain lightly.

"I have the key. So will you do it?" Scooter asks, looking hopeful. Sighing I look down at the bed spread. What other choice did I have? Even if I said no, he'd probably tote me into see Justin anyways. Regardless if I wanted to or not. It was obvious I didn't really have any opinion or say here.

"I don't really have a choice do I? I mean even if I say no you're still going to drag me in the other room to see him." I say sighing.

"Look, Justin, I know- I know he can be difficult and a little scary. But he- he really does mean well. He loves you a lot and all he wants is you to give him a chance. Let him show you how much you mean to him and how much he'll do for you. I get it, he kidnapped you, which granted wasn't exactly his brightest plan in the world, but he didn't really have another choice. Just let him explain things to you, I'll make sure he does if you do this for me okay? I'll even convince Justin to let you go home for a while to see you family okay? But you have to save him from himself. He's losing himself to the fame and the world. He's flying off the handle at paparazzi, being impatient, becoming a diva. Please, if you do this I'll be forever in your debt. Save him, if not for me or for him, for the world." Scooter begs.

"And if I do this for you then I can go home for a while and see my family and friends?" I say looking at him skeptically.

"I promise. I mean, I probably won't be able to swing it so you can stay, but you'll get to see them and won't be cut off from them like you are now. You'll have to go back on tour with him when break is over." He says. Sighing again I weigh the options in my head. So stay here and hate every second and not ever get to see my friends or family or play along and I'll get to see my friends and family at least every once in a while. Wow both didn't sound that appealing, but I guess you pick the lesser of two evils?

"Fine, you have yourself a deal. I'll save him, not for you or for him, but the world. But you have to get me back to see my family and friends." I say finally.

"Thank you." Scooter says looking relieved. Having him unclip my wrist I rub it lightly and sit up fully, stretching out before swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"Ummm I know this is random, but I think I might have to carry you." Scooter says awkwardly.

"What!? Why?" I ask, looking at him weirdly.

"Umm, well Justin, he uh, he kind of well, had a tantrum and made a mess of the living room, so yeah... There is glass and broken pieces of things all over. And he'll kill me if I let you get hurt." Scooter says scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Fine." I grumble, holding my arms up. Having Scooter pick me up swiftly he swiftly totes me out of the room. I had a feeling this whole carrying me thing was going to become the norm. Because Justin never let me walk on my own yesterday. It made me feel like a baby or a dog being passed around and cooed over.

"Justin, open your arms. I have someone for you." Scooter says walking into the room. Looking around, I gape at the sight. There was a broken table on the floor, glass ever where, a broken mirror hanging half off the wall and a huge hole in the wall. Damn, he did do a lot of damage. Because that was definitely not like that yesterday. Seeing Justin look up from where he sat in the middle of the broken glass, Scooter picks his way towards him before setting me in Justin's lap.

"I'm sorry Kiera. I'm so sorry." Justin sobs out brokenly, instantly wrapping his arms around me and tucking his face into the crook of my neck.

"It's okay Justin. It's okay. You need to settle down." I say as gently as I could, glancing at Scooter questioningly. I mean what the hell was I supposed to say? I had no clue what was wrong or what to do. Seeing Scooter nod and smile in encouragement, I turn my attention back to Justin. I guess I was saving him now.

Chapter End Notes:

Oh my gosh... Another horrid chapter... Bleh... I really just should stop writing at the moment... -______-

But anyways, Scooter and her made sort of a deal. What do you think about that? Is Kiera finally coming around or is it just because she wants to see her family and friends again that she's doing this.

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