33. The Little Things

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"I don't really know the real you and you don't really know me."

Kiera's POV

Resting beside Justin after the meeting with Scooter, Moshe and Kenny, I silently think to myself. I had spent a month with Justin right? I had even managed to fall in love with him. And now I'm going on a world tour with him. But how much did I really know about him? And that realization was a bit unnerving. No wonder my parents thought I was crazy.

"Justin." I say suddenly as I pull out of his arms to sit up.

"Yes baby?" He asks, his eyebrows instantly furrowing together at my actions. Like I had said before, very clingy. He didn't like it when I was away from him.

"I was just thinking. I mean we spent a month together and now I'm going on a world tour with you. But I don't really know you." I say, struggling to voice my thoughts. He was going to take it the wrong way I could count on that.

"What do you mean?" He whines a little, confusion and hurt beginning to cloud his features.

"Exactly what I said. I mean we've spent a lot of time together, but a lot of it's just cuddling and stuff. I don't really know the real you and you don't really know me. We're practically strangers, except for the mate thing. It's- it's just the little things that you pick up by being friends or in a relationship with someone. Like a person's favorite color, their favorite food, their likes, dislikes. And you know, it's not even just that stuff. It's the bigger things too. Like a person's dreams and hopes for the future and secrets, a person's character. How can you love a person you don't really know?" I finally get out, my confusion deepening. Because that was the truth. How could I love Justin yet still barely know him?

"You like "cuddling and stuff". And I do know you." He protests stubbornly.

"Really?" I say skeptically.

"Of course I do. You're my mate. Like I said before, I know everything about you baby. I know that your favorite colors are light blue and purple, you love glitter and things that shine, you love sour patch kids and sour gummy worms, your comfort food is Pepsi or Peach Ice Tea and caramel popcorn, your lucky/favorite number is 11, your favorite movies are the Avengers or anything to do with the Avengers, Harry Potter and Transformers, you are really good at COD, Mario Kart, halo and NBA 2k14, you love seafood but also like Asian and Mexican food, you hate spiders because they scare you, oh and monkeys too, you don't like them either, your favorite animal is a giraffe, zebra and rhino. You'd also like to own a bunch of fancy cars one day and you actually really love shopping though you don't talk about it or obese over it 24/7 like a cliché girl. You can also be slightly OCD and ADD and love playing video games and playing sports with friends. You're favorite teams are Miami Heat and L.A Lakers. You're extremely athletic but your favorite thing is dance and your dream is to attend Julliard, which you got into this last year. You want to travel the world someday and you're smart, a high achiever and were in AP classes all through high school and have a spotless resume." Justin starts rambling off.

" You're 18 and your birthday is May 16th 1995, you're originally from Oregon but your mom moved you after your dad's death. Which by the way I know that your dad tried to hurt you and your mom stepped in and saved you by, you think, slipping something in his drink, though you've never actually asked your mom because you really don't want to know. You want to forget about that and move on with your life. You don't want it to become an identity. You adore your family now and they mean the most to you besides your friends. Your best friends are Matt, Ty, Baylie and Karmen. You would do anything for your family or friends. You are loyal and stubborn as hell sometimes, but I like that. You don't take crap and you can dish it out if needed and can be quick witted and sarcastic, but generally you don't like putting people down or being mean. You're just real. You're 5 feet 3 inches tall, you weight 115lbs, you have green eyes and brown hair obviously, your favorite childhood memory is when you were playing on the playground and met your best friend Ty because he helped you up when some kid pushed you off the swing. You're also a born leader and love to encourage and help others. You have a loving and caring heart and hate to see people hurting or to see animals in pain. I also know that when you are shy you cover your face with your hair, when you're happy your eyes shine and your smile gets really big and I get to see those little cute dimples that you try to hide. When you are concentrating sometimes you stick your tongue out slightly, it's adorable by the way. I know when you're upset you try to hide it because you don't want to be a burden on people and that you love when I compliment you on your appearance because you're so insecure, though I don't know why because you're beautiful and gorgeous, you scrunch your nose up adorably when you pout or when you don't like something. You don't want people to see you as cocky or conceited so you often don't share all your accomplishments and hide your talent more than you would like because you think people would judge or hate you. You're confident but not cocky, but love when your guy has a little cockiness to him because you think it's sexy. You love it when I kiss your forehead because it makes you feel safe and loved. I also know that your favorite cuddle position is nestled against me your head on my chest, so you can hear my heart beat, and my feel arms around you. You also have a slight wild side to you that loves to party and sneak out of the house and love when I flirt with you and when I touch you certain places." He says, his arms snaking around my waist as he whispers in my ear a bit seductively.

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