22. Another Side

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"You. Are. Mine."

Kiera's POV

"Justin where are we going?" I whine slightly, attempting to look through Justin's windows, but not seeing anything in the darkness.

"We're almost there love." He promises, looking over to smile at me while reaching over to grab my hand and squeeze lightly.

"Fine." I say, huffing lightly, but smiling anyways. I wasn't really mad, I was just really wanted to know where we were going.

"You're adorable baby." Justin says again, reaching up to touch my face.

"Whatever Justin." I say, rolling my eyes.

"But it's true baby." He says reaching over to skim his nose against my neck.

"Justin watch the road!" I shriek, pushing his face quickly away.

"Baby it's fine. I'm a flawless driver." He says, smiling at me cheekily.

"Mmm yes, that accounts for all the times you've been pulled over by cops." I tease.

"I was driving by myself when I got those tickets. I would never put you in harms way baby. You're too special to me. Trust me." He says, turning to look at me seriously for a second.

"I do." I say smiling honestly at him.

"Mmm I love you." He says, finally parking the car and reaching over to unbuckle my seat belt, pulling me into his lap.

"I know Justin. I- I lo- I- I know." I say, stumbling slightly over my words. I almost told Justin I loved him back. I can't believe I almost said that. Only a few days ago I wasn't even sure if I liked him. And now I almost confessed I loved him? That would have been a first and a shock.

"Ready to get out?" He asks, looking at me slightly confused.

"Yeah I'm ready." I say quickly pushing open his car door. Feeling him gently put his hands on my waist and help me out, he steps out and grabs my hand while locking his car.

"Come on love." Justin says, pulling away from the car.

"The pier?" I ask, finally getting a look at the lights in front of us.

"Yes. I remember you told me you've always wanted to go. I'm here to make it special for you." He says looking at me for approval.

"That's really sweet babe." I say reassuringly, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Good." He says, his chest puffing out a little bit. That was pretty cute actually.

"Come on Justin! What are we waiting for then!?" I say laughing a little and pulling him towards the pier.

Hearing him chuckle he follows me along like a lost puppy as I look around.

"Do you want me to get that for you?" Justin asks, drawing my attention to the carnival game where I was looking at a stuffed animal.

"Would you?" I ask, turning to look at Justin hopefully.

"Of course baby." Justin says reaching down to rub his nose against mine.

"Yay!" I say, leaning against his shoulder.

Seeing him smile he walks up to the carni person and gives him the money before being handed the rings and aiming.

"Your prize love." Justin says dramatically, presenting me the stuffed animal and looking up at me hopefully.

"Awww. Thanks Jay." I say giggling at his act as I take the toy, hugging it to my chest before reaching up to kiss his cheek affectionately.

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