75. Panic & Hospital Drama

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"Mr. Bulter and Mr. Somers, I am so sorry for the disturbance of your girlfriend-"  

Justin's POV

Panic. Pure panic. It was the only thing on my mind right now as I rushed through the hospital doors, ignoring the startled remarks of various nurses, doctors and my crew behind me. Everything in me screamed for Kiera. To be able hold her, to take care of her, to protect her and to love and cherish her and be with her. I couldn't think straight, everything else ceased to exist or matter, nothing except her. She was all I could think about. My baby, my angel, my mate, my life, my everything.

"Sir! Can I help you?" A nurse calls out, as I breeze past a nurses' station, desperately searching for Kiera's room.

"Ugh, oh come on. Fuck! Where is she?" I mumble to myself, pausing for a second in the middle of the hallway to get my bearings and seeing if I could pick up her scent or at least the guy's familiar scent, because obviously, being that they were her Guardians, they would always be at her side.

"Sir- I'm going to have to ask you to sign in." The nurse tries, laying a hand on my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me." I growl irritably, shaking off the person's hand harshly. Kiera, my baby, she was the only thing on my mind right now. I had to see her, I needed her, to be with her and be able to hold her and assure myself everything was going to be okay. Without her in my arms I was going to go into full blown hysterics. And you'd better hope you weren't in my fucking path when it happens.

"Sir-" The nurse tries again. For fuck sake's I had no time for this petty human. I had an unconscious, sick mate somewhere in this god forsaken hospital, I had no clue what the fuck was wrong with her, or anyone else for that matter, I didn't know how to fix it and on top of that I wasn't with her. You could say that right now was not a good time to get in my way.

Baring my teeth slightly, I'm about to turn around and let out a low feral growl when I suddenly pick up the guy's scent, completely side tracking me. Kiera was the only thing my mind screamed at me.

Within seconds I'm frantically bursting through the door of Kiera's hospital room.

"Prince Justin." Ryan says startled, standing up from where he and Chaz sit beside Kiera's bed to bow formally along with Chaz and the rest of her Guard.

"How is sh-?" I begin to ask only to be interrupted as a nurse comes bustling frazzled in the room, a security guard right on her heels.

"Mr. Butler and Mr. Somers. I am so sorry for the disturbance of your girlfriend-." She says, apologizing profusely, gesturing to me for the security guard.

Girlfriend? Haha as if. Kiera was mine. My mate, my girl, my everything. Mine. Period.

Seeing the guard advance towards me I tense up automatically, my body already beginning to shift into a predatory position. No way in hell was I going to be leaving my mate's side anytime soon. I would kill anyone who tried to pull me away from her and I wouldn't care.

"We're fine. He's with us. Okay, you're not needed here. Thank you for your concern." Ryan rushes out quickly, pushing them back out the door.

"So- as I was trying to say. How is she?" I ask annoyed, giving them a look, but choosing not to pick a fight about them calling her their "girlfriend".

"Look Justin. We huh- we can explain about the umm- girlfriend thing. It's just that-" Chaz begins to ramble out, fear crossing his features quickly as he catches sight of my expression.

"Just leave it. You did what you had to. Next time use compulsion. Now how is my mate?" I say emphasizing my claim on Kiera compared to their secondary claim as Guardians, as I brush her hair out of her face and lean down to kiss Kiera's forehead lovingly. Hey you couldn't blame me right? I was a guy, we were naturally territorial, but I was also a vampire who had a mate, you could say I had a double dose. And just because the guys and I were kind ofgetting along and well maybe, kind of friend's again, and I was kind of okay with them being my mate's Guardians didn't mean I didn't ever feel threatened by them and it definitely didn't mean that I had stopped rubbing the fact that she was actually my mate, not theirs, in their faces every chance I got.

"She's stable now and on an IV, they said the doctor would come in and explain. They've also run a few tests to figure things out so we're just waiting for her to wake up and for the results." Ryan informs me, rolling his eyes at my behavior.

"Okay." I say, sighing lightly, my body finally relaxing the tiniest bit as I carefully slide onto the bed, cuddling up to her body and wrapping my arms around her, pulling her gently into my chest.

"Mr. Butler, Mr. Somers it seems like the test results came back and-" A doctor says, striding into the room only to pause and look at me.

"I'm Justin Bieber. Kiera is my girlfriend." I introduce myself, hopping off the bed to offer my hand as I stare directly into his eyes, using compulsion on him.

"I thought- Uhh okay. It's good to meet you Mr. Bieber." He trails off, dropping my hand and breaking from my gaze to look at Kiera's chart again.

"As I was saying earlier, the test results have come back." He begins, clearing his throat. "I'm afraid I have some bad news."

Bad news? Bad news? The hell was that supposed to mean? What type of bad news? What was wrong with her? Was Kiera seriously sick? Would she not recover? Was she- she dying?

Glancing a bit panicked at Ryan and Chaz, both of them mirror my expression.

"The first set of test results came back with what I expected; severe dehydration and malnourishment. But with the constant throwing up, lack of appetite and high fever you said Ms. Chase has been experiencing this last week it's no surprise to me that the test results show this. I put Ms. Chase on basic IV fluids to combat this and she should be better in a day or so. However, the vaginal bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen was a bit more concerning so I ran a few more tests... Look, there- there is um, no easy way to- to say this." He trails off, glancing nervously at the charts. "I'm so sorry, but your girlfriend had a miscarriage."

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