15. Movie Time & The Truth

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"Selena Gomez ladies and gentlemen."

Kiera's POV

Sitting comfortably next to Justin in the theater room watching the movie about half way in I tap him on the face gently, grabbing his attention from the screen.

"Hmm what baby?" He asks, turning to look at me.

"We're missing a vital piece to watching this movie." I say, dead serious.

"What? What's wrong? What are we missing?" He asks, looking like he's about to start panicking.

"Woah there Jay- Justin. I was just going to say popcorn and pop." I say looking at him funny while pressing a calming hand against his chest.

"Oh. Right. Wait- did you just call me Jay?" He asks, looking at me.

"I- Uhhh... Yeah... Sorry?" I ask, a bit sheepishly. I swear it just slipped. And as much as I hated to admit it, I was feeling more comfortable around him. Comfortable enough to give him a nick name.

"No you can call me that. I like it." He says smiling big.

"Uhhh okay... Well can we have popcorn and stuff?" I ask, looking at him a bit confused. Why was he so smiley all of a sudden. All I did was call him Jay.

"Of course baby, let me call a servant. Ry, Chaz you want anything?" He asks, leaning over to grab the intercom remote. Hearing a chorus of agreement Justin not two seconds later a servant is in the room to see what we want. I think I could get used to this. I liked not having to do anything. Wait, who am I kidding. Come on Kiera, you can't fall for this kid. He took you. You're not supposed to like him I remind myself. But on the other hand, he was sweet and caring, you know, when he wasn't being a vampire and all that. Maybe he wasn't all that bad my heart begins to argue back. I mean after all he was trying... Wait... No Kiera! Bad! You don't want to like him; you can't. Your goal is to wait it out a month and then tell Justin you're still not happy and you want to go home. One month, that's what he promised and then I'd never have to see him again. Pushing my thoughts out of my mind I shake my head slightly before turning back to the movie.

"There you are Justin. I need to talk to you for a few moments." Jeremy says, striding in the room not a few moments later.

"Sure dad, what's up?" He asks looking up at Jeremy.

"Uh, actually I need to talk to you alone." Jeremy says looking at Justin meaningfully.

"Babe? Will you be okay with Ryan and Chaz for a few moments? They aren't going to hurt you. I won't be long. I'll just be outside in the hallway I promise. If you need anything just call okay?" Justin asks worriedly.

"I'll be fine Jay. It's okay. Go, I'm sure it's something important." I say smiling reassuringly at him and gently pushing him to get up.

"Are you sure baby?" He asks, still unconvinced.

"I'm sure. Ryan and Chaz are pretty cool. I don't mind them. Besides they're too into the movie anyways, right guys?" I say only to have them not answer. Point and case right there.

"Alright baby, I'll be back soon." He says leaning down to press a kiss to my face. Nodding I just settle back into the couch to watch the movie.

"You okay babe?" He asks coming in a few minutes later.

"What? Oh yeah I'm fine. What did your dad want?" I say, happily munching on the popcorn and candy that was brought by one of the servants.

"It's nothing baby I promise. You don't need to worry about it." He says sliding me on his lap again and pressing a kiss to my temple. Nodding I snuggle back into his broad chest and continue watching the movie. Did I mention he was a good cuddler? Cause he was. Just saying.

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