74. Keep Calm & Think

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"Chaz and I just had to keep calm and think."  

Ryan's POV

"No- no guys. I- I- I'm okay. I just- just- I- I sleep pl- please. I- I need sleep. Th- th- that's all." Kiera tries to convince us, though very badly I might add, since she was struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Chaz call 911." I say, beginning to panic as I feel Kiera's body go limp in my arms. Shit, shit, shit. This was bad. So bad.

Seeing him nod, he quickly rushes out of the room, dialing 911 on his cell phone and calling in the rest of her Guard members.

"Come on Kiera. You gotta wake up. Please, be okay baby. Please." I beg, gently shaking her body, but getting no response.

"How is she doing? Has she woken up yet? I called 911, they're on their way." Chaz rushes out, flashing back into the bathroom and to her side.

"No she hasn't woken up. I don't know what to do Chaz! She's still bleeding!" I rush out, looking at Chaz desperately, attempting to keep myself together and to think rationally. I couldn't start panicking now; Kiera needed me to stay strong, to keep it together. There was too much at stake right now when no one (including Chaz and I) had any ideas to what was wrong, what to do and why I currently had a unconsious Kiera in my lap. Besides, Justin would be panicked enough for all three of us. Chaz and I just had to keep calm and think.

"Shit. Well uhh- yeah- I uh, we have to- to think- and- and ke- keep calm. Yeah- that's what we need to do. I- uhhh- let's keep her comfortable till the paramedics come." Chaz rambles out, his expression mirroring mine as he dabs her forehead with a damp wash cloth as I cradle her in my arms.

"Sir, the paramedics are here." Landon says a bit nervously, appearing by the bathroom door.

"What the hell are you waiting for!? Let them in!" I all but scream at Landon, giving him a hard death glare.

"Yes- yes of course sir." He stumbles out, backing away from the doorway and gesturing to paramedics.

Within seconds the paramedics are wheeling Kiera out on a stretcher and into a waiting ambulance, Chaz and I right on their heels. We weren't leaving her side for one second. It would take the entire Guard to pull us away from her side at this point.

Choas would descend only moments later. Screaming ambulance sirens, calling the crew, a flood of nurses and doctors in the ER, a constant banter of calls to and from the crew, a few hours gone by, a now frantic, obsessed, uncontrollable vampire mate, blood tests, Iv's, Guard members, Guard protocol and finally after what seemed like a forever of stress, worry, panic and uncertainty, there was nothing... Nothing but a beeping monitor, the faint sound of Kiera breathing, a sterile, white washed hospital room, unanswered questions and an antagonizing wait for her to wake up.

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