27. Forgetting

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"And most of all I was finally forgetting about him."

Kiera's POV

*One Month Later*

I couldn't believe another month had gone by. Contrary to the month I spent with Justin, this month seemed to drag on and on forever. The first week or so I was pretty out of it, almost like I was in a fog. I just couldn't really wrap my head around everything that had happened. It was so surreal. I didn't want to believe it was real, yet at the same time I didn't want to not believe it was real. I was stuck in between wanting it and not wanting it.

My parents were relieved to have me back of course, as were my friends. And believe me I was pretty excited to see them too. And after being in a slump for a while I finally acknowledged that Justin wasn't coming back. That this was real and everything that had happened, really happened. This was what he wanted and what it was going to be like. I had to move on, past the hurt, past the pain and past the memories. It was the only way I could be happy again.

"Kiera sweetie Ty and Matt are here." I hear my mom call from down stairs.

"Okay! Coming mom." I say, finishing the last touches on my makeup. I was finally going out with friends, going to parties and enjoying what little summer I had left with my friends before college or other future plans. I was living my life again, just the way it was before Justin came in like a whirlwind and wrecked everything.

"Hey guys!" I say, bounding down stairs to give Ty and Matt hugs.

"Hey Kiera. Ready to go on our date?" Matt asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively.

"You wish. You're such a dork!" I say patting his chest and pushing him away from me as he tries to snag a kiss on the cheek.

"Psh whatever Keira. You know you're dying to get this." He says cockily.

"Come on you losers. Let's just go. We'll miss our movie." I say rolling my eyes and pulling both guys out of my house. I was having some guy time with two of my besties in the world.

"Hurtful Keira! I didn't do anything. It was all Matt!" Ty says dramatically.

"You'll survive." I tease again as we get into the car and speed off.

Hearing Ty and Matt start play fighting I roll my eyes. It was so like them. This was just so normal. Nothing supernatural, vampire-ish about my life anymore. I remembered why I so desperately wanted to come home before. This was my home, this was normal and this was safe.

But there was always going to be a part of me that remembered and wished for it back. But it didn't really matter. It wasn't happening. It was the past. Maybe someday we'd meet again and maybe someday it would be different between us. But for now it was staying in the past, where it belonged. After all wasn't that what he wanted when he just suddenly disappeared without warning and without word? I was finally living my very normal life and I was finally happy. And most of all I was finally forgetting about him.

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