11. Meeting the Family

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"Hi! You're really pwetty."  

Kiera's POV

"Kiera baby?" I hear Justin ask, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I ask, pulling an ear bud from my ear and looking up at him. It had been about a week since the whole "one month deal" and as much as I hated to admit it, he was sweet. He took care of me and he protected me and made sure I had everything I had ever wanted. I didn't want to like him, he took me from my life, but at the same time there was this unexplainable pull he had that I couldn't help but feel. No matter how hard I tried to fight it.

"We're landing baby. It's time to get going." He says, holding a hand out for me to take. Sighing lightly I grab his hand and stand up.

"My dad will love you baby, you have nothing to worry about okay? I'll keep you safe." Justin says, pressing a kiss to my temple. Nodding silently as we get off the plane he guides me to a large Escalade.

"I know you will Justin." I finally reply, resting my head on his chest lightly. Feeling him rub my back gently soon I'm fast asleep.

"Baby? Wake up love. We're here." I hear someone's voice break through my sleepy haze.

"Mmm 5 more minutes." I mumble, snuggling into whatever I had claimed as my pillow.

"I promise you can sleep soon love. Come on, wake up baby. My dad and rest of the family want to meet you and then we can go to our room and sleep okay?" The voice coos again. Mumbling something incoherent, finally I blink my eyes open to see that I'm lying on Justin's chest in the back seat of the Escalade.

"Fineeee..." I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"You're adorable baby." Justin says, kissing my face gently.

"Whatever Bieber. I'm up now." I say rolling my eyes at him.

"I only state the truth babe. Come on, let's get out and stretch." He says, pulling me out of the car. Yawning lightly I stare at the  in front of us. Damn, it was huge.

"Bieber!" I hear a little voice call.

"Hey, how's my princess?" Justin says bending down as a comes running into his arms.

"I'm gwood! Who's this?" She asks, looking at me.

"Jazzy, meet my mate Kiera. Kiera this is my little princess and sister Jazzy." Justin says, rubbing his nose against hers before smiling huge.

"Well hi there Jazzy. It's very nice to meet you." I say smiling at her. She was absolutely adorable.

"Hi! You're really pwetty!" She says reaching out to hug me.

"Aww thank you. You're pretty too." I say hugging her back.

"Will you play dollies with me?" She asks cutely.

"Maybe she will later Jaz. Kiera is tired. I need to get her to bed. Now where is dad?" Justin asks, shaking his head as he holds out a hand for me to take.

"Inside in the living rwoom." Jazzy says pointing inside.

"Alright, well let's go find them then." Justin says tickling Jazzy. Hearing her giggle and laugh while she squirms in his arms I smile. Justin was an absolute sweetheart with children. He'd be a great father one day to our kids. Oh my gosh, what the hell am I thinking? Did I really just think that? Kids... Our kids. Oh my gosh Kiera, you are going insane. How the hell can I think that? I barely even know the kid, hell I barely even like him. It must be sleep deprivation or something. I really needed to get a hold of myself here.

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