39. Faint

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"Oh fuck... What was I thinking? How could I be that selfish?"

Justin's POV

Content to watch Kiera sleep peacefully on my bare chest after making love another few times, soon the sun begins peaking through the curtains, casting a light glow across her face and body making her look even more beautiful and gorgeous than before.

"You're so beautiful baby." I whisper adoringly, leaning down to press ghost like kisses to her face. She was so beautiful and angel like, if perfection had a name it would be her. I still had a hard time grasping that this beautiful, stunning, gorgeous Kiera was my mate, mine to keep, love and protect and make happy. Mine forever.

Satisfied to simply stare at her and take in her beauty I rub a gentle hand against her bare back, patiently waiting for her to wake up.

A few hours later Kiera finally flickers her eyes open.

"What time is it?" She mumbles, turning her face to look at mine.

"2 in the afternoon."

"What!? Why didn't you wake me up sooner!? The crew probably thinks we're dead or something." Kiera says with surprise, pushing herself off of my chest.

"Easy baby. It's okay you were tired. I wanted you to be able to sleep soundly." I sooth, quickly pulling her back into my body to cuddle more.

"Besides I wasn't done cuddling." I protest, cuddling around her body quickly keeping her captive in my arms.

"Justin!" She says playfully, squirming in my arms and giggling lightly.

"Give me a kiss first baby." I ask, puckering my lips, my hold instinctively tightening around her body.

"Okay." She agrees, reaching up to place a soft kiss against my lips.

"Mmm much better baby." I say, finally letting her go.

"I'm surprised the crew hasn't called to check in." Kiera notes, as she sits up, leaning down to pick up my shirt before slipping it on her body and standing up.

"Owe." She hisses, swaying lightly before all but falling over.

"Baby?" I ask worriedly, quickly flashing to her side to steady her.

"I- I don't feel good Jay." She says faintly, gripping her head and neck.

"Come her baby, let's get you back on the bed." I say worriedly.

"I'm sure it's nothing Jay." She sooths, rubbing my chest lightly as I prop pillows behind her.

"I don't care. I need to take care of you. Do you hurt anywhere else? Are you hungry baby? I can get you something." I tumble out, eyeing her carefully, looking for any signs of her being sick as I slip on my boxers and a pair of basketball shorts.

"I'm a little hungry Jay." She mumbles, nodding weakly.

"Okay baby. I'll order something for you. Stay put please." I ask, walking back over to press a light kiss to her forehead.

"Alright Jay. I won't." She promises.

"I'll be right back." I finally say, grabbing my phone and walking into the main room of our hotel.

Ordering food for both of us, I pace back and forth in the main room as I wait trying to figure out what was wrong. What would cause this? Did I hurt her last night? Was I too rough? Did I take too much blood?

Oh fuck... What was I thinking? How could I be that selfish? Shit, shit, shit. That would explain the head ache, the pale sheen to her face and why she almost fell over.

HisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora