9. One Month

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"Give me a chance baby, okay? One month, let me prove to you that I can make you happy and care for you. One month being my girlfriend."  

Justin's POV

Hearing Scooter come back into the living room where I blankly sat on the floor, he just mumbles something but I wasn't really paying much attention until I feel a body settle on my lap. It was Kiera.

"I'm sorry Kiera. I'm so sorry." I immediately choke out, my arms quickly finding their way around her body, holding her close to me and nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck so I could breathe in her comforting scent.

"It's okay Justin. It's okay. You need to settle down." She sooths, letting me simply hold her. Sniffling again I sigh contently as I begin to calm down at her voice. I would do anything she asked. Anything at all. And at least in this moment she wasn't mad at me or pushing me away.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything, for not being what you want and not making you happy and hurting you. I'm so sorry love. I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you. I'm so sorry." I ramble out, my grip tightening on her again. Just the thought of losing her made me panicky again.

"Shhhh, Justin. Calm down." She says, looking up at me with her beautiful green eyes, I swear I could get lost in them. Hearing her stomach rumble a little bit, I frown a bit before picking her up carefully in my arms and toting her back to our room, lying us both down on our bed.

"Are you hungry baby?" I ask, instantly worried about her.

"Yeah a little." She says nodding shyly.

"Mmm okay. What do you want to eat?" I ask, running my hand along her side gently. She was just so perfect and flawless. I loved her with everything in my being.

"McDonald's. I didn't get to h- have it last time." She mumbles quietly.

"Okay baby, whatever you want. What do you want?" I ask, pressing a light kiss to her face. At least she was eating right?

Commanding Katie to go get food I text Scooter letting him know he can leave before turning my attention back to Kiera.

"Baby?" I ask, lying comfortably beside her.

"Why am I here?" She asks, completely ignoring me.

"I- I can't tell you." I say, holding her closer to my chest. I didn't want her to leave me.

"Fine, then you can count on me fighting you every second of every day until I get free of you." She says, rolling away from me.

"No- no baby. I- I- please- don't- don't fight me. I- I love you. I- I'll tell you okay? I'll tell you." I whimper, pulling her closer to me. Seeing her sit up and look at me expectantly I sigh, sitting up with her. I didn't want her to fight me, and I couldn't risk her running for me, I had no choice.

"I- I'm a vampire. That's- that's why my eyes change color when I get upset and- and why I can run so fast and why- why I broke the table and wall in the other room. And- and you're my mate. Pl- please- please don't be scared of me, don't- don't run. I- I promise I- I won't hurt you." I beg cupping her face in my hand.

"No- no! That- that's not possible! They- they don't exist!" She says, scooting away from me fearfully.

"Please baby- please, it's okay. I promise, I'm not going to hurt you love. I love you." I say, reaching out for her.

"No- no. You- you just, don't come closer!" She says scooting further towards the edge of the bed. Seeing her jump off the bed I flash in front of her, stopping her from getting to the door.

"Baby- pl- please! Just- just listen to me." I beg, tears beginning to pool behind my eyes. She- she was afraid of me.

"No! Don't come closer. Don't hurt me pl-please." She begs, backing up against the wall, as if she was a trapped animal.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you baby girl. I'll never hurt you. I promise." I coo, slowly walking up to her.

"Why-why did you take me? Just- just because you want me to be a-another slave? Or be- because you want to eat me?" She says, curling away from me.

"No- no baby. Of course not. You're my mate, my baby girl. I love you. You can trust me." I coo, bending down to pick her up.

"No! No! Don't- don't hurt me please!" She begs beginning to cry, squirming frantically in my arms.

"Shhh, shhh baby. I won't hurt you I promise." I coo, rubbing my nose against her face gently.

"Please baby, please. You don't need to be afraid of me. I promise, I won't hurt you. Please don't cry, I don't like it when you cry." I coo over and over, settling back our bed, still holding her in my arms. Hearing a knock on the door, I see Katie slip in a McDonald's bag in hand and set it down before curtseying and leaving.

"Baby? You're food is here. Will you eat for me?" I ask, brushing the hair out of her face and wiping her tears away.

"I- I'm not hungry anymore." She whispers.

"I know you are baby, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. You can eat." I promise, pressing my lips against her face. Feeling her flinch slightly, my heart breaks. She was afraid of me, I didn't want that.

"Baby, please, look at me." I beg, lifting her face to look at mine. Seeing her sniffle, she looks at me, her beautiful green eyes, widened in fear.

"I am never, ever going to lay a hand on you. I'm not going to drink from you unless you're okay with it or make you a servant. You are my mate. Okay? My mate. I love you, only you. It's always going to be you. I want you in every way, I need you. You complete me, I can't live without you. Just trust me baby okay? You can trust me." I say looking at her seriously.

"I want to go home." She whimpers.

"You can't go home yet baby. You have to stay with me, but I promise I won't cut you off from them. I just need you with me okay?" I promise, holding her tightly to my chest and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Give me a chance baby, okay? One month, let me prove to you that I can make you happy and care for you. One month being my girlfriend. But you have to let me take care of you and protect you and love you. Just one month, and- and if- if you're not happy then you can go home and- and leave me and you'll never have to see me again." I choke out, internally cringing at the thought. I would make sure she wouldn't want to leave me. I'd do everything in my power to keep her with me, I would never actually allow that. I couldn't let her leave me.

"One month... Only. You promise?" She asks, looking at me in the face.

"I promise." I say, cupping her face in my hands again. I would do anything for her.

"Okay then." She says sighing lightly.

"Really!?" I say, my eyes lightening a shade. "You won't regret it baby. I love you so much. Now will you eat for me?"

Having her nod I open the bag for her and take out her chicken nuggets and fries setting the in front of her.

"Here baby." I say picking up a piece and holding it out for her. Having her take a bit she just starts munching on it, relaxing a bit in my embrace. Having her finish the food she sighs and sniffles tiredly before laying back down on the bed.

"Are you tired love?" I ask, lying down beside her. Having her nod, I pick her up gentle in my arms.

"What are you-" She starts to say, squirming in my arms instantly.

"Shhh baby. It's okay, I'm just pulling up the sheets and blanket to cover you up." I coo, settling her back down in the covers.  Pulling her closer to my chest as I slip in the sheets with her, and run a light hand along her side and press another kiss to her temple.

"Go to sleep baby, it's okay." I say as she sighs contently and falls asleep on my chest. Maybe now things would settle down. Maybe now she would love me.

Chapter End Notes:

Isn't Justin a sweetie? Yeah I think so too. (:

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