12. Mishap & Mixups

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"I didn't care at this point if I wasn't supposed to like Justin, because all I wanted was him."

Kiera's POV

Waking up to Justin's voice on the phone, I blink my eyes open, yawning lightly before rolling over to stare at him.

"Hey my mate is up, I gotta go. I'll text you later aye bro?" He says smiling at me, brushing a hand along my face before focusing back on his conversation.

"Yeah of course. I might just bring her along, I really don't want to leave her here by herself. Yeah I promise, now I really need to go. Talk to you later man." He says before ending the call and tossing his phone on the night stand.

"Who was that?" I ask curiously, looking up at him from where I'm curled up against his side.

"One of my best friends, Ryan. He and Chaz want me to come hang out with them and go four wheeling this afternoon. I told him I'd love to but it's really up to you and what you want to do today." He says, leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead.

"You can go hang out with your friends. It's okay. You haven't seen them in a while. Besides you need a break from the stress and lime light. You'll have fun with them." I say.

"Are you sure love? I don't mind, we can always go another time. I hate to leave you alone here, especially on our first full day in Canada." He says skeptically.

"Well I'm not going to try and run away if that's what you're thinking." I deadpan. As if I could even if I wanted to. I was surrounded by vampires, much faster and stronger than me. Yeah that was never happening. I just had to wait it out.

"No- I- not at all. That wasn't what I was thinking. I just- I- you know, I trust you- I really do. I just- I don't like leaving you. I don't want you to think I'm forgetting about you or ignoring you to go hang out with my friends. You always come first baby, you know that." He says.

"Yeah I know..." I finally say, sighing again. "But seriously, you should go. I don't mind. You need the break and time with your old buddies, I'll be right here when you come back."

"Okay, thanks baby. I promise I'll make it up to you. Maybe we can go shopping in Toronto or something? How does that sound?" He asks picking up his phone probably to text Ryan.

"You don't have to Justin." I say shaking my head lightly. As much as I loved shopping and being spoiled I did feel a little awkward letting him do things like that. He always did everything so over the top for me. I felt bad; I mean it wasn't like I was giving him anything back.

"No I want to baby." He says tossing his phone back a few moments later and lying back down next to me, pulling me into his chest.

"Mmm okay I guess." I say shrugging and relaxing a bit once I'm in his embrace.

"Good." He says as I feel another kiss on my head. "Now are you hungry? We can eat together before I leave. I should be home before dinner though I promise."

"Yeah I am a little hungry. My arm hurts a little too." I whine a bit, tucking my injured arm against my body protectively.

"Alright love, let's get some food in you and then you can take your meds." He says pulling us back up as he calls a servant into the room to get our food.

Only a few hours later Justin was gone to hang out with his friends and it was pretty much silent in the house. Getting bored after a while playing on my ipod I wander to the door. I mean it wasn't wrong to explore right? Poking my head out of his room I look down the hall. It was oddly silent.

"Jeremy? Jazzy? Pattie?" I call, stepping out of the room and walking towards the direction I'm assuming is the living room or maybe the theater room or game room Justin had told me about earlier. Continuing down the hallway I poke my head into a few rooms, quickly finding Jazzy and Jaxton's room and guestrooms but not the room I was looking for.

"Hey you!" I hear a male voice say. Turning around a bit startled I see what seems to be a middle aged man dressed in a "servant" uniform striding down the hall. Hmm maybe he could tell me where the theater room was.

"Do you think-" I start to say only to be pulled harshly by the wrist.

"Ouch!" I just say trying to yank my arm out of his strong grip. By the looks of it he was a vampire as well.

"What are you doing out!? You need to be down in your cell you worthless slut!" He says harshly. Stunned by the way he was talking to me I just stare at him dumb founded. Wait... What the hell was going on?

"Don't call me that you asshole!" I scream, beginning to panic a little and struggle against him more.

"Shut up bitch before I really put you in your place. You know the rules. After Prince Justin's done using you for his own pleasure you are to report back to your cell."

"WHAT!?" I say my jaw dropping. Okay now I was really confused. And why the hell was Pattie or Erin or Jeremy not hearing this and coming to help me?

"Good Lord, Prince Justin must have really drained you of blood." He comments, dragging my struggling form down the hall. Ooo... I think I was putting the pieces together. He thought I was just a "feeding" slave.

"I'm not a blood donor! I'm his mate!" I scream at the man. Hopefully Pattie or someone was home and would put this man straight.

"Haha whatever. Man you blood donors are really delusional. That's what they all say sweet thing. You're nothing but his play toy. Prince Justin doesn't care about anyone, especially you." He snarls, pushing me down a dark hallway.

"I'm not delusional you asshole! Just ask him! I'm his fucking mate! Let go of me! He is going to kill you unless you let me go!" I scream, aiming a well thought kick to his gut.

"You little bitch!?" The man snarls, yanking me by my hair roughly as I feel sting against my face. Feeling tears sting at the back of my eyes I hold them back. I would give him no satisfaction.

"Stop being so difficult whore." He says as I struggle more.

"No! No! No! Justin! Justin!" I cry out getting really panicky and scared as I see a few other "blood donors" chained up to a wall looking absolutely out of it. Almost like they were high or something. It was scary, not to mention a few of them had fresh bite marks dotting their necks or chests.

"Justin isn't going to save you, you little whore." The man spats, shoving me into a cell before locking it shut.

"No! No!!!!! Justin!" I scream, rattling the cage.

"Shut up bitch. You're really getting on my last nerve." The man snarls, kicking my hand from where it grabs the bars and also landing one to my face. Starting to sob I crawl to the corner far away from any of the other prying eyes of the "blood donors" and the scary man. I didn't care at this point if I wasn't supposed to like Justin, because all I wanted was him. Hopefully he'd be home soon right? And hopefully he would notice I was gone and come looking for me. In fact that was what I was counting on. Because after all, he had promised he'd protect me and keep me safe.

Chapter End Notes:

So... Thoughts anyone? What do you thinks gonna happen when Justin finds out? I'm pretty sure shits gonna hit the fan. Haha

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