17. Forgiveness & New Promises

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"Isn't that how it always is, or what you hear about?"

Kiera's POV

After hearing Justin slam the door shut I curl up on the corner of the bed that's closest to the window and sob uncontrollably. He hit me. He really hit me. After he said he would never hurt me like that. I really didn't know what to feel anymore. I was shocked, I was afraid, I was hurt and I was angry all at once.

"Kiera?" I hear someone say from behind me, making me jump at the sound. I didn't even hear the door open.

"Oh honey, are you okay? What happened?" The voice asks. It was female, I think it was Pattie but I didn't want her to see my face or my tears.

"N- nothing." I stutter out, hiding my face from her and trying to glance from under my arm checking to make sure it was indeed, Pattie.

"Honey... Then why are you crying? It's okay sweetie. Everything will be okay. Come here. You don't need to cry. Everything will be alright. Shhh." Pattie says as I feel her hug me tightly.

"It- it's my fault. I- I shouldn't have resisted him. I- I brought this on myself." I just cry into her chest. Why did I always have to open my big mouth? Everything was fine and then this happened. It was like my dad all over again. But at the same time I was also pissed. And the stubborn side, that didn't want to submit to Justin, wasn't going make it easy for me to give in.

"Brought what on yourself?" She asks. Shaking my head again as I sob more, she lifts my face up despite my protests.

"No!" I protest, trying to turn my face away. Hearing her gasp she touches my face lightly.

"Did my son do this?" She asks, an unknown emotion flashing through her eyes.

"It- it's my fault. I- I fought him. It's okay Pattie. Don't say anything please!" I say shaking my head frantically. I didn't want her to say anything because I was sure he would just get madder at me and maybe even hurt me even more. I mean my dad did that to my mom, why would this be any different?

"This is unacceptable Kiera. You can't just expect me to do nothing. I taught my son better than this." She says standing up.

"NO! No... Please, please no Pattie. It- it's okay. Please don't. It will just make him madder, I know. I don't want him madder. Please." I beg, jumping up to grab her arm as she goes to get up.

"Honey- did- did- has this happened to you before?" She asks kneeling in front of me where I curl up on his bed. Nodding slowly I start crying even more.

"Was it Justin?" She asks, trying to get me to look at her again.

"N- no. It- it was my dad. He- would hurt my mom. And- and then he finally h- hurt me one night." I say softly, holding my legs to my chest and burying my face in my hands.

"Oh honey." She says hugging me.

"I- it's okay. He- he's gone now. My- my mom remarried to someone. My step dad is nice, he's not like my dad."

"You realize this isn't how you should be treated right sweetie? I am so disappointed in my son. I don't even know where to begin." Pattie says, rubbing my back soothingly.

"I- I made him mad. I to- told him I wanted to leave him."

"It doesn't matter how mad he was sweetie. No one, absolutely no one, deserves to be treated like this. I'm going to have a word with my son. It won't happen again." She says.

"Please don't." I plea, but she stands up anyways and walks to his door.

"JUSTIN DREW BIEBER GET YOUR ASS IN YOUR ROOM THIS SECOND!" Pattie yells, her voice getting scary loud. Not a second later Justin flashes into his room.

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