Chapter 9: Doll party! Feat. Spoon

Start from the beginning

Everyone laughed.

"I did not." Ashley's doll said.

CC got up and left the room. He came back with a stuffed pug.

"Here," He said, handing it to Hera. "This can be you, a cute pug." He said smiling.

"Of course CC would have a stuffed pug..."

"What about you, Harley?" Andy asked, dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, I'll just watch." I said.

I sat down next to Hera and Ashley. CC handed me a spoon.

"This was the only thing I could think of." He said.

I stared at him confused.

"A spoon?!" I asked.

"Yeah, what the hell, CC? Don't you have anymore stuffed animals?" Ashley asked.

He just shrugged.

"Whatever, it's fine." I said. "Wait, is this used?" I asked.

He walked over to me, picked up the spoon, and licked it.

"You're good." He said, handing it back to me.

I just stared at the spoon, then back up at CC.

"So, Hera gets a stuffed pug and I get a used spoon?" I asked.

"I can get you a clean spoon?" CC said.

"Oh my god, you're ridiculous, CC." Andy said, getting up and walking to CC's room.

"What?!" CC asked.

I laughed.

"It was there!" CC said, in defense.

Andy came back with another stuffed pug, this one slightly bigger.

"No!" CC said, snatching it out of his hands. "This is my special one." He said, sounding like a child.

"It's fine, I'll just be the spoon." I said.

"Well, I'll get you a clean one at least." Andy said, taking the spoon out of my hands and getting a clean one. He handed it to me and we went back to the doll party.

"Hey, CC?" Ashley's doll asked.

"Yo." CC's doll replied.

"Why is Harley a spoon?" Ashley's doll said.

All the dolls looked at me, the spoon.

"I think it fits quite well, actually." I replied, as the spoon.

"Why?" Jake's doll asked.

"I don't know. It's random and weird, like me." I replied.

"Okay." Andy shrugged.

"See!" CC replied.

"Whatever, CC." Andy said, shrugging it off.

"I'm a pug!" Hera said, holding the pug out.

"Yup." I replied.

"Oh, no!" She said, throwing the pug.

CC's eyes got wide, as if he was hurt.

"Someone help!" She said.

Andy got up and placed the dolls feet on the ground, still holding the doll.

"I'll save you." Andy's doll said, marching over to the pug.

"Thank you." Hera's 'doll' said. "What is your name?" She asked.

Andy put both of the dolls arms on its waist.

"I'm Batman!" He said, heroically.

"Oh god..." Ashley said, face palming.

Jake and Jinxx laughed.

"Batman! Help!" I said. "This man stole my purse." I said, pointing the spoon to CC's doll.

"Haha! You'll never catch me!" CC's doll said, running away.

"I'll help you. Robin? Where are you?" Andy's doll asked.

"Not it!" Jinxx and Ashley said at the same time, putting their fingers on their noses. Jake sighed.

"Fine." Jake said, standing up to go next to Andy's doll.

"Let's get that women's, err, spoon's purse." He said.

I laughed. Jake and Andy both picked up their dolls and rushed over to CC, who also got up and started running away. Andy tackled him and they both fell to the floor. Jinxx, Ashley, Hera, and I all burst out laughing. Jake stood there very confused.

"Give me that." Andy's doll said.

"Ow..." CC said, rubbing his head while sitting up.

"Here you go, spoon." Andy's doll said, handing me an imaginary purse.

"The names Harley." I said.

"Wow, looks like someone is taking this whole 'doll' thing way too seriously." Jake said.

"Don't talk to Batman like that!" Andy's doll said, angrily.

We all laughed. Andy got up and used his doll's hand to hit Jake's doll in the face.

"Ow." Jake's doll said.

"Be nice to Jake, Andy." Hera's doll said.

"Yeah, Andy. Be nice to Jake." Jake said, getting in Andy's face.

Andy gave him a dirty look while smirking at the same time. CC continued to lie on the ground.

"Are you ok, CC?" Hera asked, getting up.

"Yeah." CC said, sitting up now.

Hera walked over to him and sat in his lap, handing him the stuffed pug.

"Hi, I'm Hera. What's your name?" Hera's doll asked CC's doll.

"I'm CC." CC's doll replied.

Hera picked up the pug and took CC's doll out of his hands. She began controlling both dolls now as CC watched her, still in his lap.

"Oh, CC." She said as the pug.

The pug began making out with the CC doll and Hera made kissing noises. CC looked up and laughed. We all laughed afterwards.

"Hera, don't do that. He's right there." I said.

"But, Harley?" She said.

"What?" I asked.

She looked down.

"But I love him." She said, quietly.

We all aw'ed.

"Aww." CC said, hugging Hera. "I love you too." He said, kissing her forehead.

Her eyes lit up. She looked up and kissed his cheek. More aw's were said.

"That's adorable." Jinxx said.

I smiled. I looked at my phone for the time.


"Woah, it is way past your bedtime, Hera!" I said.

"Aww, but I wanna stay." She whined.

"Nope. You gotta go to bed. We can play tomorrow." I said, lifting her up from CC's lap.

"I'll be right back. I'm just gonna put her in bed." I said to the guys.

"Okay, we'll be here." Ashley said.

"Oh, take the dolls." Andy said, collecting the dolls and handing them to me.

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