Go For It

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Elsa Arendelle

Jim's words back there ... advice aren't always true but opinions are. There was never a past me ... if my personality was true it would've never faded.

His words hit me ... but it never encouraged me to change, my tough side was already shown and is still apart of me.

"You're going to the big soccer game right?" Anna asks me with a big smile.

"I guess so." I respond and chuckle, "You can't really watch it on TV."

"Your going to watch your babe Jack playing." She says and puts on a cheeky smile, nudgung me.

I push her, "Please don't say 'babe' it's kind of gross."

"Babe. Babe. Babe." She repears and I roll my eyes and a slight smile grows on me.

"During the game Marvel is having a big twilight festival ... you in?" She asks.

"During?" I ask.

"Well there will be plenty of time after. And at 12pm there will be fireworks. And the game starts at 9 and finishes at 10." She explains.

"Can't wait." I giant smile grows on my face.

It was a day after Jackson invited me to the game. So today was the day.

The soccer game.

Jackson Overland

"After all this bootcamp ... We'll still get crushed by Marvel." A team mate groans, "It's just luck we made it this far."

Commando Rick hears this and gets furious he turns around and clenches the collar of the player, "I don't want you talking weak smack Armin. I don't want you to feel helpless, because a matter of fact ... you aren't. You evaluate the power of the other team but you don't evaluate ours. No team or no one can win from just pure luck."

"But Rick! Their team is all so talented!" Another player yells out.

"NONSENSE!" Rick yells, "Talent is nothing if you don't have hardwork! If they just live off of athletic talent alone they are nothing!"

Rick wants to win more than anything.

"Rick." I call him and the whole team watching, "Why do you want to win so badly?" I ask him.

He wryly laughs then looks me right in the eye, "The same reason why people want to succeed."

I lift up an eyebrow, "And what's that?"

"You'll see ... after we win the match." He says, "And boys! Losers make the best winners!"

"Rick. Let's practice now." One of them say.

"No. Now is the most important bit in our boot camp." He says and smiles.

Elsa Arendelle

I wear a cap. Converse. White shirt tucked into my skirt. Brown leather jacket.

It's 8:30pm and Anna and I get going to the game. As we enter the field it was already roaring with music and people. The seats were all full, even normal people passing by joined.

8:45 the Marvel time makes their appearance, all look rugged and ripped ... huge in comparison to Magika.

Marvel has many supporters holding up a banners. Many roaring enthusiasticly.

Magika is snall in comparison.

"Crud ... we should've made banners for your college team." Anna groans and tightens her fist.

"Easy there ..." I try to calm her.

"Ah! I left poster paper at home I'll get some." She says.

"Hold on a minute ... you'll miss the game." I tell her.

"No I won't. Unless I run really fast. Like a snow monster is chasing me." She tells me and winks and runs off.

Despite being alone I think I spared myself from major ear problems from Anna screaming in my ear.

Then Magika's team emerges.

I spot Jackson looking focused and ready ... for the first time.

The game starts and then Magika Team kick using the 1, 2 method and shoot into the goals. They all scream like they've won the game they were that happy.

Unlike Marvel, Magika has strategy and brains that most sport teams lack.

They kick to one another then Jackson kicks under the opposing teams possession and the opponent suddenly drops down on the grass.

"Ahh!!" He shouts in agony, "Not cool man!"

Jackson looks confused and the whole Marvel team supporters boo them.

"What the hell?! I didn't do anything!" Jackson protests and the ref shakes his head and puts up the red card, not sure what that means but it seems like a free kick is rewarded to the Marvel Team. Jackson gets really furious and pushes the muscly opponent and he strikes back.

The ref blows the whistle, "Stop!" He ref yells, "No behavior like that here or else you won't play!" They resume the free kick.

They score and now then Marvel rejoices and the crowd roars.

Most of the Magika team lose their enthusiasm and will power and get all disheartened.

The game continues and Marvel dominates as the score is 5 for Marvel and 2 for Magika.

It was break time and Anna still hasn't come back yet. I see Jackson taking a drink and squinting his eyes at the crowd, then his team mate calls him for a huddle.

The game resumes and it's only 20 minutes left and no one has scored yet. Looks like some of them gained confidence during the team huddle.

Some. They've all been convinced that all you need is physical skill to win.

Anna comes back, panting.

"I bet that imaginary snowman has already eaten your ass." I say to her.

Anna giggles, "I ran back but I forgot the markers."

"Your banner will not stand out." I say to her.

"Better than nothing." She grins.

I look back at the game and Marvel scores again.

I suddenly snatch the poster paper and marker off Anna.


I wrote and held it up.

Jackson suddenly spots it.

Jackson Overland

I spot a blank banner among the midst of color.


I look at the owner of the banner and it was ... Elsa. She came. I thought she didn't.

Argh ... it's so embarrassing that we are losing! So humiliating! Besides that she believes in us.

After their goal I talk to the team. "Use our strategy!" I remind them.

They did. And we won.


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