His 'Home'

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Elsa Arendelle

We took a bus but we went somewhere totally different. "Where are we?" I ask.

"Home." He answers and he gets off the bus and I follow him.

"You do realize it's like 1am." I say.

Jackson nods his head. I couldn't really see the place but it was lit up by very few nightlights. I follow Jack to a double story house.

"We're here." He says.

He gets out keys and unlocks the door and we step inside. He flicks the lights on which illuminates the living and dining.

I don't know if I ever visited his house, maybe I have but my memory is rough.

Everything was in boxes and the house was clear.

"My house was being rented while I was staying with the Corona's. They used the rent money to contribute the my college fund." He explains.

So he sold his motorcycle because it reminded him of his past.

"But after the family finished their rent they moved out and we were waiting for another family to take up the rent ... believe it or not but people do not want to rent a house that belonged to a dead people. So this house was empty for months." He further explains.

"So why are you here?" I ask him.

"To clean since my brother is going to be here next month. And to move all the boxes to the garage, their stuff is going to charity." He answers.

So in that box was his family's belongings.

He wants to get rid of it all?

"Help me move the boxes ... The Salvation Army will be here in the morning." He says.

"Haha first time asking for help." I laugh.

"I hate freeloaders." He says.

We move all the boxes to the garage and I go back to clean and dust off stuff.

Gosh ... Jackson is taking an awfully long time in that garage he should clean. I walk to the garage and I see him dusting off the dust off a doll. It must belong to his sister.

"Hey." I say he flinches then glares at me. "Wouldn't it be great if you can keep something to remind you of them?"

"You still don't get it .. I want to completely forget about them." He says.

"If you want to completely forget about them you might as well take off half your brain. You spent most of your life with them. Instead of forgetting you should embrace. I don't think they want you to forget about them I just know that they'd want you to move on. Forgetting and moving on are different things." I speak "I may not know them but no one wants to be ignored or forgotten."

Jackson tightly shuts his eyes and clenches his fist. "You're right." He says. "You're right." He repeats. Yes, I finally made him open his eyes that he remained shut.
"But they're dead so it doesn't matter." He says.
Now thery are shut again.

This is hopeless I guess I should accept Jackson for who he is now.

I wal back inside and I stop and look back. Then I see Jackson collecting 5 or more things from each of his family members and hiding it.

I was wrong. He's still there. Jack is still there.

Jackson Overland

I stored the few things that belonged to my family stored away. But somewhere I'll never go I don't want a reminder of them again.

As I finish packing up I move the boxes to the front of the house so the Salvation Army truck can just pick them up.

I think Elsa bailed on me.

Most people usually do.

I walk into the house and I just wanted to plop onto the bed. I open the door I see a lump in my blanket. I uncover the blanket to see Elsa.

She was in deep sleep and her breaths were short but deep. Elsa looks so fragile and carefree in this state.

I would wake her up but something was stopping me. Probably my amusement. But maybe it was probably the same feeling Elsa had. Where back then she was sick and I slept nearby her she didn't wake me up, I still don't know why she didn't wake me.

I pulled in a chair next to the bed and sat beside her. Observing her.
Please note that I am not creepy.

I start playing with her hair, it's exactly what I thought smooth, silky and soft yet tangly. Then I suddenly drift to sleep.

Elsa Arendelle

I wake up. When did I get into Jackson's room. I look left to see half of Jackson's body on the bed and his bottom part on the chair. It looks like he's snuggling up to my hair .. he probably didn't do that. We do strange things when we sleep.

I decided to wake him up. So I shook his body.

He woke up. "Huh? What happened?" He asks in his sleepy voice which was rough, raspy and worn out.

"I woke you up." I answer and yawn his yawn follows.

"You woke me up?" Jackson says and looks a bit shocked like he didn't expect me to wake him up.

"Yeah." I say rolling my eyes. "Couldn't let you drool on my hair."

"I don't drool." He simply responds.

I laugh "Oh my gosh it was so funny. The position I found you in was snuggling up to my hair." I chuckle.

"Yeah but I didn't actually do that." He says.

"I know you speak the truth." I laugh.

Jackson looks to the floor.

"Are you blushing?" I say suddenly so interested.
I can see a glimpse of red in his cheeks they are so vibrant.

"No I'm not feeling well." He answers. "Let's get back."

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