Hey Anna

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Jackson Overland

I froze. Not again. Please.

"It's all my fault!" Violet sobs. "I-I told her she can use my car and she-! I forgot about her fatigue and everything-! I'm at the hospital and they wouldn't let me in the room!" I can visualize tears running violently down her face.

"Where are you?!" I shout worriedly.

"The nearby hospital." She answers.

I hang up, and I run.

I don't care if I'm out of breath. I don't care if catching a bus is better.

... I'm not losing her.

Violet Robinson

I look through the window and I see everyone frantically running around. My hands were glued to the window as tears violently drip on the floor.

It was all my fault. All my fault.

I go back onto my seat with my eyes widened.

The doctor emerges out of the hospital. "Elsa seems to be in a stable condition." He says.

"But is she okay?" I ask worriedly.

"With plenty of sleep she will be. She's suffering from a mild concussion and neck pain. If that crash was more powerful she would've died." He tells me.

I sigh relieved.

"She's still unconscious but you may visit her." He tells me.

I visit her, she looked like she was normally sleeping. Then her eyes open a tinsy bit.

"Vi ... I'll save up to buy you a new car." Elsa tells me in a weak voice.

"No. You won't." I say to her.

"Did you call my family?" She asks, sounding out of breath.

"No. But the hospital did and they are on their way." I tell her and she sighs.

"Elsa I'm so sorry. I made you drive it, I should've ditched the meeting and drove you there considering your state." I say to her and bow my head.

"It's my fault. I wrecked your car." She says weakly, "Mind ... if I take a nap?" She asks with long breaths.

"Yeah." I answer and she quickly sleeps.

I should leave, her family will probably come.

Jackson Overland

I ran all the way to hospital. I was very out of breath.

I see Violet exiting, "How's Elsa?" I ask her panting.

"She's fine. But you look awful." She says, worriedly.

Violet rummages through her bag and lends me a bottle of water and a towl, "Here."

"Thanks." I wipe my sweat and chug down the whole bottle of water.

"Keep the towel." Violet says in disgust and leaves.

I visit Elsa, who is fast asleep.

You nearly killed me Elsa.

If you left me.

I would never forgive myself.

I extend my arm out and with my hand I caress her cheek. I blame my urges.

"Pe-pe" I hear someone say behind me ... I turn around. And the girl screams, "Pervert!!"

I lightning bolt just hit my head. I ... I wasn't doing anything. Everyone surrounding stares.

"Oh it's just Jack." The girl says and smiles then she turns to the public and shouts, "Don't worry! It's just Jack! You see being a pervert is just his personality!"

I think she's confused with James and I.

"Who are you?" I ask and she looks insulted.

"Huh?!" She yells, "Do I look that different? It's Anna!"

"Oh Anna that's right ... there are a lot of women in my life so it's hard to remember all of them." I say playfully and smirk.

"Actually I mean look at you ... you've hardly changed at all." Anna says and checks me out.

"You'd be suprised ..." I mutter.

"Why are you here anyway? I thought you both went separate ways." Anna asks.

"No idea. It's just a coincidence that I ended up being in the same college as her." I answer.

"No Jack! It's fate!" Anna says dramatically.

Then it happened.

Anna attacks me with questions, "Why do you seem a bit glooomy? Are you and my sis going out? I mean you're like adults now and it's none of my business but I mean have you guys ...? I mean never mind that's private biz. How are you? You're probably better now because of my sister." Anna goes on and on.

"I didn't follow any of your questions. Even if I did I don't intend on answering it." I tell her.

She hits my shoulder, "No fun." Anna whines.

Fun. That's what I used to be.

"It's hot here. Elsa must be feeling hot too." Anna says.

Anna suddenly starts stripping Elsa.

I quickly hurry to her and stop.

"Stop! What the hell?!" I yell at her.

"What?! It's hot! I mean you would enjoy it. We are all benefiting." Anna says and wiggles her eyebrows. "By the way, you're blushing madly." She adds.

"N-no I'm not! It's b-because you're right it is hot!" I yell back.

"It's not that hot." I say and smile back.

"A-anyway where are your parents?" I ask her.

"They don't know. If they knew they'd hassle sis into 'not driving for life'. They'd go all the way to do that if that ensures them the safety of us. I mean it would be realistic if they decided to isolate their daughter for protection." Anna explains, "That's why ... I got her back." Anna grins.

"That's nice ..." I say softly. "Anyway I was having alone time with Elsa, can you go outside?" I ask with a guilty grin.

"No way. You might do erotic things with her." She says.

Then I will wait all night until she leaves.

Also why does everyone assume I'm perverted?


Yes Anna is awesome, she responds to what the fangirls are requesting.

Haha you guys probably thought she'd suffer from some coma or amnesia. No way. I wouldn't do that to you. She would've slept on her way home right? Resulting in less powerfulness in the crash. I'm trying to do this as realistic as possible, it wouldn't make sense if she had a severe injury or whatever.

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