Attendance Starts

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This is a sequel of 'NOTORIOUS'

Elsa Arendelle

I have finally made it to college. Magika Woods University ... aaah. Let's soak it in.

I check my schedule ... okay I've got a seminar at 9:00am. It's 8:30 now so I guess I should just find where I'm supposed to be.

I don't know anyone that goes to this uni that's from my school. It's far away anyway so I'm a residential student.

I wander around and a girl passes. "Uh- excuse me!" I exclaim. The girl ignores me.

Then a guy passes me, "You should find the place yourself. Gives you a chance to explore." He whispers in my ear and leave. I turn around but all I saw was his back and his head was covered by a hoodie.

Don't know if he was being rude or idealistic.

I finally found my way and I sat by a man.

"Hi." I say plainly.

"Hey." He responds. "Queen Elsa."

"What? How do you know me?" I ask.

"That doesn't matter." He says.

Stalker ...

The whole day ended and I took the bus back. The bus goes all the way to the place I use to live then to the fancy shopping mall that I can treat myself too.

The bus stops at the old soccer field and the guy in the blue hoodie gets off on that stop. He's suspicious. So I get off at the same stop he does too.

The guy keeps walking then suddenly stop keeping his back to me. "It's wrong to follow people." He says.

"Well it's wrong to stalk people." I respond.

He laughs and turns around to face me.

The distinctive icy blue eyes ...
The silver hair ...
The blue hoodie ...
The palest skin ...

"Jack?!" I exclaim.

He smirks. "Yep that's me."

"You knew I was here but you never said 'hi'?! Idiot!" I yell and bang my fist on his chest.

"Remember we kissed here?" Jack reminds me.


"You're right I am an idiot. Anyway when time past when you were gone my feelings drifted away. I'm sorry forget what I said a long time ago." Jack says.

"And what was that?"

"'I love you.' I don't like you anymore." He says.

"I'm glad we can both move on." I say crossing my arms and looking away.

"You're tough girl attitude hasn't faded yet." He says.

"You've changed a lot Jack."

"People change. It's a thing now." He says.

His aura is so cold. Where has his warmth gone?

"You've changed too. A lot." Jack adds.

"Yeah you helped me find myself. You were there when I changed." I tell him.

"Yeah but this time around you're not notorious. You're inconspicuous." Jack says and he stuffs his hands into his pockets and walk away. "And you're mysterious .." I mutter to myself.

Inconspicious? Is this his indirect way of saying that I've matured somehow? That I don't care about my reputation anymore.

He speaks the obvious ... I'm a uni student of course I'm going to be mature by now.

"Hey Jack!" I shout over to him and he turns around. "It's nice to see you!"

"Whatever." He says loud enough for me to understand.

What happened to him?

I walk back to my apartment. "Jack ..." I whisper to myself.


I wake up. I don't have any lectures or seminars and I might actually get the shopping trip I missed out on.

I run into someone. "Eugene?"

Oh gosh ... it's like a reunion.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"To see a friend." He says.

"Really who?" I ask.

"Megara, she's like my sis." He explains and I nod.

Then someone stands right in front of me. Jack?

"Stay away." Jack growls at him.

"Nice to see you too Jack! Wow you go to the same uni must be awkward." Eugene laughs.

"I don't have time to catch up with you just leave." Jack says.

"I'm here to see my sis, Meg. I don't have any business with you. Oh Frost you are just too concieted." Eugene laughs.

Jack tenses up then lets go and walks away I catch up with him. "What was that Jack?" But no answer.

He stays quiet, that's so unlike him.

Jack suddenly stops again adruptly. "By the way, it's not 'Jack Frost' anymore it's 'Jackson Overland'." He says.

His personality has changed as well as his name.

"Uhm ... Jack-son! Don't expect me to forget what happened in the past." I tell him. Oh god ... why did I say that?

"You can do that if you want, but remember those memories are dead to me." He says in his cold voice and walks away.

I felt like crying then. Maybe because I knew Jack would always treasure memories but now he doesn't find the importance of them.

I know before it sounded like I moved on from Jack but I was still holding onto him.


Hey Guys! I'm back with a sequel ⥠I thought it would be so inconsiderate of me to not listen to my readers to make a sequel. Plus my ending was too cruel.

I'm not going to make a Frosted Bodies sequel because there's nothing to add on and it'll be one of those sucky sequels.

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