"I'm not complaining to your wife but to my daughter. We both are same team, right Madhu? " Mom said winking at me.

"Ha Mom, right" I told her smiling.

"See Rishu, these two ladies already formed into a team. I think we should keep quite otherwise we won't get proper food if we irritate our wives." Dad said in a serious tone to which me and mom giggled.

" Do you really think so, Dad?"

"Yeah Rishu, it is better to stay calm if we don't want to eat burnt food or salted curries" Dad said in a serious tone.

" Dad, I don't know about your wife but my wife won't make me eat such food even if she is angry on me. " blurted RK. I stood shocked hearing his words.

"Is it ? " both Mom and Dad said in union which made us both look everywhere else other than their faces. After few seconds they both laughed at us.

Luckily to save us from the embarrassment , the servant came and informed Mom that the breakfast is placed on the dining table.

Dad and RK took their seats while I stood with Mom to serve the breakfast.

"Why are you standing, Madhu? Sit" Mom asked me.

"I will serve the food Mom, you please sit." I told her smiling.

"No Madhu, not today. You are the new bride and not allowed to do these works. Go and sit with Rishu, I will serve" Mom convinced me. Sighing, I sat beside RK without arguing.

"Rishu, today you have to take Madhu to her house" told Mom after serving the food.

"Why , Mom?" RK asked her.

"It's is a ritual, actually you have to leave her there and bring her back in the evening but it will take 3 or 4 hours to reach her parent's house. So, you too stay with her and in the evening bring Madhu home." explained Mom.

"OK ,mom" replied RK

"Madhu beta, go and get ready " Mom said turning towards me.

"I'm ready ,mom" I said excitedly as I'm very happy to go to my house.

" I think it would be better if you both start now so that before lunch time you will reach there" said Dad looking at his watch.

We both nodded our heads and continued having breakfast.

Third Person's POV:

After having breakfast, both of them started to Madhu's parents house.

Madhu was sitting in the passenger seat while RK was driving the car. It has been 15 minutes since they started their journey, Madhu was looking outside the window while RK was stealing glances at her for every few minutes.

"Madhu" RK called her.

She hummed and turned towards him.

"Talk something na, I am getting bored"

"What do you want me to talk?"

"Anything, just don't be silent"

"Hmm...." She said tapping her chin with the fore finger.

"I don't know what to speak " Madhu said pouting after few seconds. RK laughed seeing her pout.

"Why are you laughing?" Madhu asked confused.

"Nothing, you look cute when you pout" said RK while pulling her cheek with one hand while his other hand held the steering wheel.

"Ouch...." Screamed Madhu while smacking his hand.

"Sorry sorry" said RK while laughing.

"Madhu, can I ask you something?" Asked Rk after few minutes and Madhu nodded her head for him to continue.

"Why did you cried on that day when you failed in the exam?" asked RK.

"What do you mean why?" She asked him confused.

"At that time I thought that, the job was very important for you and for your family but when I came to know about your family I wondered why you cried over that small exam. As I know that you were not in need of that job or something like that and if you want papa would have easily got a job or you could have worked in his company" he explained.

"Oh that, I always wanted to lead my life like a normal girl. Dady also supported me in every aspect. I studied hard in my school, college and got placed in that company through campus selection and I always wanted to make my parents feel proud of me. That is the first time I faced a failure and I thought I was letting them down that's why I cried that day not because i need that job." Madhu explained to him.

" Oh, that's nice Madhu and I too feel proud of you" he told her smiling.

"How do you know that I cried that day? This question is bugging me since 3 years. Tell me Rishu, i asked you this so many times when we were chatting but you didn't tell me?" she questioned him.

"Oh...do you really want to know?" he asked her uneasily.

"Yes" she replied confidently.

"Do you remember that after knowing your result you came out and talked to your dad on phone?"

"Yeah i remember"

"The place where you talked on Phone is near to smoking zone." he told her scratching his neck.

"What were you doing near smoking zone?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

"What do you think?" he asked her back.

"You smoke?" she asked him shocked.

RK nodded guiltily.

"After finishing the exam I came out to smoke. After finishing my cigarette , when I was returning i saw you crying there and talking to your dad on phone, that's how i came to know that you cried that day." he explained her and Madhu remained silent for few minutes.

"Madhu, sorry. I almost reduced it, now I smoke once in a blue moon"

"I didn't knew that you smoke" she said in a whisper.

" I know you don't like smokers .I will slowly quit it, sweet heart. Please don't be sad" he requested her.

"Promise?" she asked hopefully looking into his eyes.

"Promise" he told her smiling taking her hand into his and took it towards his lips and kissed her palm.


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