Swazz- Insecure

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You stood in front of the mirror, just stood there. You hated the way you looked. You weren't exactly skinny, but you weren't fat either.

You just hated your body, You were a bit curvy, which was a good thing for some people, but not to yourself. You tried everything but you couldn't lose weight.

"Y/N!" John yelled as you heard the apartment door shut.

you put my shirt on and opened the door. You opened the door and put a fake smile on my face. You were meet with Johns bright,white, smile.

"Hey baby girl." He said as he leaned in and pecked you on the lips.

"Hi." You said trying to sound happy.

He gave me a weird look, he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the bed.

He knew you was insecure about you body. He knew that since day one. But to him you were absolutely perfect. You just couldn't see it, You were fat in your eyes.

"Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asked as he sat on the bed as he tried to pull you on his lap.

You started to tear up and you sprung up from his lap, once your butt touched his lap.

"You know, I don't like when you do that." You said as you started to full on cry.

"Baby." He said his voice cracked as he saw you, full on tears, mascara running down your face.

"Stop, John... Just stop! I'm so ugly, I'm fat. I'm a pig, Im so fucking ugly." You said as you walked away from John.

"Y/N, come back here." He said as he ran after you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him.

He creased your cheek, and rubbed the pad of his thumb over your cheek. "Hey, look at me." He said you looked into his eyes

"You are not a single one of those words. I don't want you to call your self that. You are perfect to me, that's all you should care about. You need to love yourself like I love you. When you say that about yourself, it hurts me y/n. So please stop, love yourself like I love you." He said as he placed his lips on yours and gave you a slow but passionate kiss.


Short I know sorry, if you have a request don't be afraid to message me.




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