Johnson- Pranks (Part 1)

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I can't get over this picture. I mean, just look at him. If you don't know.

I'm a Maloley and Johnson girl. 😉

What about you girls or guys.

Also for Johnson's POV I'm going to like use I and we, and stuffing that.

Johnson POV:

"We should prank (Y/N)." Gilinsky randomly one day.

"She is home." I said as I laid back a box of Apple Jacks in my lap.

"Come on, I'm bored, let's do it." Gilinsky said pushing me lightly.

"Okay, and if we do prank my girlfriend, what should we do." I asked looking over at him lazily.

"I'm not sure, tell her you cheated on her." He said

"Okay, and have her break up with me? No thanks." I said as I grabbed a handful of Apple Jacks.

"Don't be a pussy, Johnson." He said

"Okay, here you call her and out her on speaker." I said as I felt my hands get clammy. I grabbed my iPhone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Hey, it's just a prank Johnson. Don't worry about it." Gilinsky said as he scrolled through the contacts and found.

Love Bug ☺️

"Really, out of all the names you choose Love Bug?" Gilinsky asked looking at me like I had two heads.

"What would you have liked me to choose, Gilinsky?" I asked

"I don't know, Big Booty, Bad Bitch, Daddy's Girl. There's so many to choose from. I'm changing it." He said as he pressed the edit contact.

"Okay, to what?" I asked

"Well, I do hear her call you daddy." He said looking at me

"Shut up, and just call her." I said turning away blushing.

I looked back at saw Gilinsky, who had the phone on speaker. I looked at the contact and rolled my eyes at the new contact.

Daddy's Girl 😈

"Hey, daddy." I heard my princess voice say through the phone.

I looked at Gilinsky and he gave me a wink. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Hi, baby." I said

I looked at Gilinsky with pleading eyes not wanting to do this. He gave me a look and I wanted to smack him.

"So, what did you need Jack?" She asked

"I-I-I have s-s-something to tell y-y-you." I said stuttering. I had so much seriousness in my voice.

"Okay? What is it?" she asked giggling.

I looked at Jack and he gave me a confused looked. I looked back at the phone and then licked my lips.

"I'm being serious (Y/N). It's really important." I said

"Okay..." She said

"I cheated on you, when I was in tour." I rushed out.

"Your joking." She said

"No." I said as I bit my lip.

Jack sat beside me holding in his laugh. I smacked his arm and he rubbed his arm.

"Oh." She said

She got really silent, I could tell she was thinking. She gasped as like she didn't have any air.

But then again, I knew everything about her. All of a sudden she let out a moan.

"Umm...(Y/N)?" I asked

"I-i- I have something to tell you to." She said out of breath.

I heard air come through the phone as she pulled it away from her ear. I heard a males voice, call her.

"Stop kissing my thighs, Max." She said but in a whisper.

I felt my throat starting to tighten up, like I was about to cry. I felt my heart breaking at the same time. My emotions were all over the place.

"(Y/N)?" I said throughly the phone.

"Max, stop it." She said giggling.

"Say it back, baby." I heard a deep males voice say.

"I love you, Maximus." She said and I heard them pull away from a kiss.

"(Y/N)?!" I yelled

"Sorry, my mom wouldn't leave my room." She said trying to play it cool.

"Are you cheating on me?" I asked more angry then sad.

"No, I told you my mom. I should be asking you that? Are you still cheating on me?" She asked

"I'm coming over!" I yelled through the phone.

"Um...can you come in like a hour?" She asked her voice shaky.

"No, we are taking about something now!" I yelled


Comment if you think there should be a part 2.




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