Kaiya closed her eyes. She felt the ground beneath, listened to the wind. Vibrations started shaking the earth under her paws that the seven men charging at her and Lira didn't feel until it was too late. Kaiya howled as her new black lightning shot up from the ground, piercing the chests of the enemies including the three about to follow.

    She snapped her head to the side to see even more bandits. 'More the merrier.' She mused.


     Kaiya sat leaning against a tree. Her cut was worse than she thought it was. The fur had hidden the actual extent of the damage but now as a human she could see the cut went deep. "Where's the nearest village?"

    "To far to walk with that injury. Your going to have to wait."

    And wait she did. For two days she hunted and lived as a wolf. It wasn't the first time she had. Around the first year of her journey a robber stole her pack and money. Eventually she tracked him down, getting what remained of her money and food.

    She was just now returning with a squirrel in her jaws to a den she claimed. A simple hole in a giant hollow tree when a snap made her head lift and ears perk forward. Another snap came from behind her. Kaiya turned around, looking for the intruder. Another snap to the right then front. Behind her again! She kept spinning around, hoping to get a glimpse. A whistle came from behind her. This time for sure!

This time when she turned she saw a dark outline. The she-wolf charged ahead but was suddenly pricked in her haunches. Letting out a yelp, she collapsed. A shiver ran up her spine then down her legs as she saw her fission get darker.

Kaiya could only make out some snippets of her attackers talking to each other.

"Where did the big one go....."

"Dropped the pup......."

".....ple buy pups anyway...."

What are they talking about? Never mind.....just so tired.....

"Poor thing. We'll fix you up...."


      Cool air pricked at her nose as the sound of people talking all around and of a market filled Kaiya's sensitive ears, forcing her awake. She looked back and forth with hazy yellow eyes but only saw a blue wall. Her cut still hurt so she hadn't been out too long. Looking down she saw a bandage around her upper front leg. "That's odd, I don't remember dressing it....wait...." Her eyes traveled back down. Why was her leg so short? A ring of a bell brought her attention to behind her.

   The forth wall didn't exist, instead there was a massive window. Across the Street a woman had just came out of a shop. Her eyes widened at not the woman seeming to be a giant as well as the other people in the Street, but the dim reflection she saw within the glass.

    There stood a bewildered puppy with black fur and the same silver markings she had as well as the three silver studs she was wearing before. The others would have gotten caught on something. Kaiya tilted her head and the pup mirrored her movements.

   "I've been turned into a pup?! How on earth...." Her voice only came out at yips and frantic whines to any human passing by. "Okay...calm down....get your bearings." Taking a deep breath Kaiya lifted her self up the blue wall with her paws, ignoring the throbbing in her arm. Everything looked ten times bigger than they did before. There were cages and pens all over the tables and counters. "A pet store?"

    "Hey look at this." She dropped back down, looking for the voice's owner. Her eyes eventually landed on a girl looking through the window from the other side. She wore a black dress with a red sash, her sandy blonde hair was tied in four poofy ponytail. Her green eyes stared right at Kaiya with wonder. She padded up to the window. This girl looked familiar.

    Just then a boy walked over wearing a bodysuit with a hood. It made him look like a- Hold it!

  "Kankuro and Temari!" She yippee in surprise. How is it they were the ones to see her like this. Of all the ways to end up in such a place.

    "What is it sis?" Kankuro asked.

 "Just come on." Temari grabbed his arm and dragged her brother into the pet shop. "Hey miss can we look at that black dog in the front?"

    "Yes of course."

Before Kaiya could react she was picked up by the under arms and found herself in Kankuro face. "Doesn't she look familiar Kankuro?" She whined. 'How could this be happening. I can't transform, I became a puppy, I'm defenseless against everything, and I need to report back to Tsunade!'

"Uh. It looks like Kaiya. Though I don't remember her wolf having earrings."

   "We have to take it home. Gaara should have a friend to keep him company when we're out." She smirked mischievously. "Since it bares such a close resemblance to you-know-who and all." She chuckled. Then two siblings shared a look and grinned. "I don't see the harm."

   The pup folds her ears down and whimpers. Not liking where this is going.


   So here she was in a box, probably with a bow on top or even some wrapping. Temari chuckling deviously every few minutes. She heard a door open. "Gaara. We're back." Kaiya sniffed the air and smelt the cardboard along with the scent of coffee seeping into the box from outside. "I see. Did the mission. Go smoothly?" Her ears lifted at the familiar low raspy voice. It was Gaara.

    "Yep. We brought you a present." The box shook a little. Probably because she was placed on the desk.

    The lid lifts.

                                                                         -------- ---------- -------- ----------- --------

     Gaara lifted the lid to this so called present to find a pup staring up at him. He glanced at his siblings, raising nonexistent brow. "You bought a dog."

   "Well yeah. It looked like Kaiya so we had to buy it. Besides aren't you bored working in the office all day." He sighed. If they had bought it from a village on the way then he can't just tell them to return it. He turned his gaze back down to the pup. He had to admit it did look like her.

    He put the box on the ground for it to climb out. "Thanks for the thought I suppose." He watch his brother and sister leave.

   'Might not be so bad to have a pet.'


(So I'm making my own little arc to replace the one with Sora since that one will be taken care of with Yona and A future Kakashi story. I want to give a shout out to Panda-Chan who helps me with my ideas as well as Benihime214. Those two stuck around from the beginning. Hope you guy's enjoy the next few chapters of GaaKai moments!)

The ninja wolfs bond (Gaara romance love story)book 2 of howl of the ninjas wolfDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora