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Because I'm nice, I decided to continue the last chapter right away... You're welcome. Enjoy this peaceful Warnette chapter.


My hands shook as I guided Aaron's hands to lift my shirt in the dark. I didn't want the lights on, the wounds on my back didn't need to be seen with full clarity. This medium light-- some shining through the small window on the right-- was enough for Aaron to freak out. There was no way for me to keep this from him.

His hands lifted the shirt over my shoulders and the material was off. He unclasped my bra before tracing the wounds.

He muttered some profanities before moving away from me. I turned around and sat down on the bed, careful not to get the sheets dirty. I watched him lean over the desk, opening and slamming doors shut until he found something. He walked up to me and placed his hands on my back. "It's alright, love," he murmured. I gasped as pain swallowed the middle of my back like fire lighting up in a line. "Just putting ointment on. The twins will heal it when we get out."

I remembered what happened. The Unnamed Society wanted me to tell them where Aaron was, and I didn't know, so they kept lashing me until I gave in. The only problem was that I actually didn't know where he was. So I swallowed and got used to the pain.

My joy when I saw Aaron was indescribable. His emerald-green eyes always lit up my world, enough to make my cheeks flush from his intensive gaze. Just his gaze made me feel better, an unspoken promise to keep me safe.

"I love you, Aaron," I whispered. He kissed my shoulder before wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled and looked down at my belly, thinking of the children. The children! "Aaron? Where are the children?" I suddenly asked.

Aaron moved his feet to sit next to me on the edge of the bed. He placed his head in his hands before mumbling, "They're with Kass and Kenji."

"Okay." I stood up and placed my shirt back on before placing a hand on Aaron's back. I rubbed it up and down before kissing the top of his head, his hair tickling my mouth. I walked over to the bed and placed my head on the pillow. Aaron followed my actions shortly. We faced each other as we had the next conversation.


"Yes, my love?"

"If-- when-- we get out, what do you want to do?"

"I want to come home."

"And do what?"

"Kiss my children." That brought a smile to my face. "Juliette?"

"Yes?" I asked.

"How much do you love me?" The question startled me. I thought about it a little.

"I don't know how to answer that." Aaron frowned. "I love you so much, it cannot be described. To put it into words would be a shame. A terrible thing." I nodded.

"Good enough," Aaron smiled.

His eyes blinked open and I snuggled deep into his chest. My own eyes blurred and I fell asleep to the unnatural pounding of Aaron's heart. Too tired to care, too in love to notice.

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Shatter Me: Repair Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now