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The word evolution always confused James. I tried explaining it to him through personal situations where things have evolved, and I learned a couple of things or two. I have evolved from loving Juliette.

I realized that the girl I would love would have to be as important as James is to me. Juliette never was and it took me two years to realize that. Sure, I cared when Kenji informed me that she died, and yes, I did say I loved her, but nothing can compare to the amount of... feelings I had when I thought James was in the Omega Point bombing.

I was back at the base, walking hand in hand with a soldier I picked up at another sector I convinced to join the New Beginning. And NO, it was not a male, it was a female. Quinn.

She gave me everything I didn't receive from Juliette. She tended to me, and she didn't break up with me out of nowhere, claiming that she needed to "save me from heartbreak" by breaking up with me.

But I was over that. Over Juliette. And I said that with total honesty, Juliette and I have come to accept that we'll always be friends and nothing more. Juliette and Aaron had children, who I am the uncle of, and I finally managed to keep a healthy relationship for the first time. I would propose to Quinn soon.

She and I were looking for Aaron and Juliette. I'd told her the stories of them, and my short past with Juliette, so she wanted to meet them. I was happy about that, and Quinn knew that I only had eyes for her.

We continued to walk down the halls I remembered from being a soldier. It seemed like a life-time ago when I was standing here and listening to Aaron's orders.

I squeezed Quinn's hand when my phone rang, a present from Aaron and Juliette when they looked into the archives. I took it out of my pocket and definitely was shocked to see that the call was from Aaron. I picked it up and had to press it deeply into my ears, I could barely hear him.

"We're not at the base."

"Oh, then where are you guys?" I asked, stopping with Quinn in the middle of the hallway and turning around. I led her back and we went outside to the car. I sat inside and turned on the heater, before continuing the conversation with Aaron.

"I'm at Kenji's home. Juliette, I don't know--"

"What? Did you get her mad? Do I need to come and, like, cheer her up--"

"No, Private Kent. Juliette's missing. I do not have the faintest idea where she is." I could hear the desperation in his voice.

"So she left you?" I asked, clearly confused.

"No, you dimwit! She was taken, come immediately to the Kishimoto residence." And with that, he hung up. I stared at Quinn and she stared back.

Quinn wasn't much of a talker, she was small, fragile, and shy. I guess you could say girls like that were my type. She had had silky brunette hair, similar to Juliette's, except hers was down to her shoulders. She had freckles, olive skin, and full pink lips.

"So... What's going on?" Her loud voice surprised me. I blinked before telling her of the phone call. She nodded, generally concerned for Juliette, before she told me to drive to their home.


"So, to save your wife from being tortured, you're going to torture your soldiers?" I asked. The idea didn't seem too appealing to me, I did still have some friends who worked for Aaron. 

"Not exactly," Aaron said. Phew. "We don't know if Juliette's actually being tortured." Really?

 We were sitting in Kenji's living room, the fireplace turned on. They had a more modern house with a glass table in between the couch and two chairs. Aaron sat on the couch, his elbows in between his knees. Kenji sat on one of the chairs, Tiffany on his lap. Kassandra sat on the other sofa-chair, Sebastian in her arms. The twins played on the floor with a board game. 

Once we arrived, they pulled two more chairs from the dining table so Quinn and I could sit. I shortly introduced her and then we got straight into business. 

"I suspect they want her for something." Aaron started again. 

"But what?" Kassandra asked. "Think, Aaron. What does she have that none of us have?"

"Superpowers." Kenji proposed.

"No, we all have those." Aaron countered. 

"Death-involved superpowers," Kenji tried again.

"No!" Aaron screamed at him, frustrated. 

"Does she have access to certain files that could benefit someone?" I gave it a try.


"It's you." Quinn quietly whispered. 

"What?" I asked.

"I think they're trying to get to Aaron. So they took Juliette instead."

"That makes sense! Finally!" Kenji exclaimed.  

Aaron stared at Quinn. His reaction was unexpected. He stroked his chin and muttered something like "Peculiar." 

"Before you say it-- before you do-- think about your children!-" Kenji tried to say. 

"I'm going after her." Aaron abruptly stood up. "I need to find her. The children will be safe here with you, please. I'm--" he swallowed. "I'm begging you. I have to find her." 

Kenji and Kassandra shared a worried glance before Kass nodded. "Alright. But let's first figure out where she is."

"And when we do, I'm coming with you." Kenji said. 

"And me too," Kassandra said. 

"Nope. No no no no no." Kenji shook his head. "You can't go on this one. Sebastian remember?" 

Kassandra started to complain. "What? We'll hire a baby-sitter-"

"No!" Kenji yelled. It seemed final and was definitely loud enough to make Seb start crying.

"Fine," Kassandra said furiously. She stood up grabbed Tiffany from Kenji's chair and walked up to their room, slamming the door behind her. 

I turned back to look at the rest. "We have to find Juliette." Aaron took a sharp breath at the mention of her name.

"That we do. Come on, we're going on a trip."

"To where?" Kenji asked. 

"The weapon room." When Quinn stood up, Aaron continued. "Men only. We're going to have a little... talk."

Kenji and I shared a glance. Aaron's low and menacing voice scared us both and there was only one way to find out what was going on. 

"I'm in," Kenji and I both reluctantly said.    


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