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THANK YOU FOR 1K!! :) This is a (VERY SHORT CHAPTER) set up for chapter 19, as I know you love some warnette conversations. ;) On a completely unrelated note, please don't get mad at me, there is one thing in the first paragraph of this chapter that will not be described... Until a later chapter.

Juliette, 1 year and 1 month later:

Aaron and I have been together every night for about 2 months. It hasn't been boring, if you know what I mean. And the days haven't been boring either. I am no longer Juliette Ferrars. Say hello to Juliette Warner! 

I woke up with Aaron's head on my clothed chest, the memories replaying from a week ago. 

"Good morning, love," he muffled through my shirt. 

"Good morning, Aaron," I said. I brushed my fingers through his hair before he sat up. He gave me his hand and pulled me up. "Woah," I said as the room spun a little and black dots danced between my eyes. 

"Juliette, are you okay?" Concern flooded Aaron's eyes. 

"Just sat up too fast, that's all," I said, not thinking that was the truth. I looked around at our new room, we recently moved into a new house. Not at all like the one where Paris shot me, but similar to the base. We had 1 kitchen, 1 master bedroom and bath, and 2 guest rooms, with one bathroom connecting them. 

We got out of bed, and since this was our own place, we didn't bother to change. We walked out of our room and reached the kitchen. It was medium sized, with two dishwashers and two stoves. A lean, but deep, fridge was set into the wall. Everything was themed silver.  

"What do you want to eat, Julie?" Aaron asked. "Omelet?"

Disgust filled my mouth and stomach. What was wrong with me? I loved eggs. "Um... No thanks. I'm actually in the mood for mushrooms. Do we have any?"

"Sure," Aaron said, puzzled at my unusual request. He went into the fridge and brought out small mushrooms. He placed them on the pan and let them cook for about 2 minutes. Then he took out a plate and slid them on. 

While he was doing that, I was looking through the fridge for jam. I turned around, jam in hand, to find Aaron staring at me. "Love, what are you doing with jam?" 

I looked down. "Oh, I'm just craving jam and mushrooms." I took the plate and sat down at the bar stool, on the opposite side of the island as Aaron. I spread the strawberry jam across the mushroom and ate it. "Delicious!" I said while closing my eyes. I opened them to find Aaron looking at me, a smile on his face. "What?" 

"Has your period started?" Aaron asked. I choked. 

"What?" I managed to croak out. 

"You heard what I said," he cocked his head to one side. 

"I don't know, it isn't due for another week." 

"Hm." Aaron said before walking around the island and holding me by the waist. "Let's go the pharmacy." 

Month 5:

I was huge. Aaron said I couldn't possibly have one child, and that he was expecting twins. 

And unless the baby had 4 legs, I could definitely feel four separate kids. 

We visited the doctor and he revealed the gender of our baby. Or babies. 

Month 8:

I was not allowed to get up. Aaron had forced me to stay on a bed rest. Going to the bathroom felt like heaven, not because of the two extra fluids, but because my legs needed the stretch. 

I could no longer see my feet, and if I felt like putting on shoes, Aaron had to do it for me. Every morning, the same routine. Aaron got up, kissed my belly twice, made me breakfast, got me three new books to read, and left for work. 

I just finished my fourth book of the month when Aaron came into the room. "Aaron!" I screamed, slowly getting out of the bed. I walked up to him and embraced him. I started crying, I guess I just missed him that much. 

He held me before looking into my tear filled eyes. "Hi," he raised his eyebrows. He kissed my forehead. "How are my babies?"

"Kicking, and I think one still has his or her foot pressed against me." I massaged the foot print sticking out, laughing to myself. 

"Lets get you back to bed, my love," Aaron said. I rolled my eyes. 

Oh Aaron. 

Are you guys ready for the next two chapters? They're kind of short, so I'll post them at the same time. Can't wait to read your comments about the names! :)  


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