Chapter 2: Going Back

Start from the beginning

Shikamaru thought to himself, 'What a troublesome guy.' After closing his eyes, then re-opening them, he spoke "Fine. As long as you're coming I could care less about who you bring with you."

Naruto gave the group a large grin, "Then it's settled. We depart in two hours." He walked towards Yumi. She had a sad look in her eyes. Truth be told, Yumi didn't want Naruto to be a ninja anymore for fear of losing him. Even so, she knew he was a ninja through and through and she respected it. He placed his hand gently on her face pulling it up so his eyes could meet hers.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me, that I can promise. Come on, we have to pack our stuff so we can get out of here."

With that said, they broke free from each other's embrace and headed into the house. Yumi's mother invited the other ninjas into the house. After two hours had passed, everyone was now ready to head out.

Naruto was dressed in a black, short sleeved shirt with black sweatpants to match. He wore bandages around his shin the way Kakashi did. He also had on black ninja sandals. His sword was placed on his back. The sword was eloquent. One couldn't see the blade, but judging by the black and gold handle, and the black case with a golden fox carved on it, it was safe to say that the sword could cut through almost anything. He got the sword from Minashu Ryuho, the head of the samurai clan who had taught him personally. Yumi was wearing a brown long sleeved shirt and beige pants. Her sandals matched the color of her shirt. Mai had on a long blue long sleeve shirt, black pants, and black sandals much like Naruto's.

Naruto put Yumi on his back, while Neji carried Yumi's mother. The other three carried the small book bags that the three residents of sun country had packed. In a matter of seconds, they took to the trees. It would take an hour to reach the docks, where a ship was waiting to escort them to Konoha, where it would take about two hours to arrive there.

3 hours later in Konoha....

In the Hokage tower, behind the desk of the Hokage office sat a 56 year-old blond woman, who could pass for twenty, doing paper work. With a war going on and missions to complete, she was exhausted. She was trying to find ways to end this war. She tried presenting a treaty to Raikage, but the young prick didn't want a treaty. For the last 8 month's the war went on with no side gaining an upper ground.

She honestly didn't know what the war was for, but she believed that the young Raikage just wanted to prove his country was stronger then the Leaf. She felt that there were better ways to go about doing this but it was his village after all. She ran hers and that was all that mattered.

Sitting with her right arm holding up her head, Tsunade looked at the door when her assistant came in.

"Tsunade-sama, Shikamaru's team has returned with Naruto. They're in the waiting room," Shizune stated.

"Shizune, send them in" Shikamaru and the rest of his team entered with Naruto and two people she didn't recognize. When she saw Naruto, she was trying to hold back her tears. She kept them from falling and she began to speak.

"Naruto, I'm glad that you could make it. I thought that you were going to turn down my request," she said, with happiness in her voice.

" I did turn down your request. The only reason I'm here is because you're paying for my services, " he responded.

One of her eye-brows slightly elevated, "Paying for your services? So you're not doing this to help the Leaf?" she questioned.

Naruto gave her a smirk.

"Tsunade, do you really think that I would fight for this village after what they did to me? No, I'm not here to protect your village; I'm here because of the 90,000,000 ryou I'm being paid for my services."

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