[ moisturizing and deodorant ] - moisturize! use a lotion that fits your skin type (oily, dry or combo), and use it daily - in the morning and night/after showers. water makes your skin ashy which doesn't look very appealing and can cause your skin to get too dry and "crack." 

fun facts: 

+ wash your face before you moisturize. if you don't, all the nasty germs your face has gathered throughout the day will be locked in under a thick layer of lotion, which is fucking disgusting okay?

+ another reason you should wash your face before you moisturize is because when you wash your face, all that oil and dirt embedded in your skin slides off. another good idea is to use a moisturizing face wash, but at the same time, use lotion!

+ don't use lotion with scents on your face because it's irritable for your skin. also, only use face lotion on your face. 

just wear deodorant so you don't smell, but don't over do it!!

[ breakfast!! ] - breakfast is so important to eat every morning and if you don't here's some things that definitely won't benefit you during the day.

+ you won't be able to pay attention during school, which obviously leads to bad grades and more anxiety :(((

+ we fast during night, because we're not eating anything. in the morning, if you don't eat, you're adding to the fasting which can actually lead to gaining weight. so if you're trying to lose weight(only ever lose weight to benefit YOURSELF and nobody else), then eat a healthy, good breakfast.

+ you will be salty for the day

haha those are all i can think of at the top of my head. but anyways, i'll give y'all some yummy a$$ breakfast recipes to try in the morning! these are quick, healthy, hella yummy and filling. 

- egg omelette: fill with cheese + chopped up veggies. make turkey bacon, cut it up and put bacon bits inside. it's super yummy and i think it's good for you. it's very filling too!

- fruit salad: easy to make, obviously. just take your favorite fruits, cut them up and put them in a container to eat. some things that i like to put in my fruit salad are: frozen blueberries, frozen raspberries, blackberries, mango, papaya, apple slices. it's so good and it's also filling and hella healthy. 

- have a bowl of cereal, healthy cereal like kashi, puffins, kix(these are sooo good but kind of bland so if you want, you can drizzle honey on top), multi grain cheerios. 

- granola bars!!!! i love oat and chocolate fiber bars- they contain fiber, obvi, i think they have laxatives and they're delicious. don't overeat them though that's not a great decision :///

- drink water with your breakfast! none of that orange juice or fruit juice. not in the morning!!! if you don't love water which you should, what i do is i put my water in a cute little mason jar, take a fresh lemon, roll it to get juices out and then i slice it and drop it right into my watahhh. you can also use cute waterbottles or add fruit to the water to give it a 'nicer' taste. i'd recommend just drinking plain water or adding lemons as "detox". i find that adding lemons is really yummy, and apparently cleanses the boddd. but also, i wouldn't detox regularly because it doesn't always have a good effect and may not work most of the time. it really helps me though- it gets rid of my headaches and wakes me up. i drink it in the morning, after noon and at night :)))

[ working out ]  - obviously working out isn't necessary since i'm young & if you want to work out but find yourself getting lazy, that's fine!!! you do not have to work out every single day, i think that's ridiculous. try to stay active and get at least 3+ hours in a week, but don't try so hard to work out daily if you're getting sick of it. i just like to work out because it gets me pumped and i feel better when i'm sweating. okay that sounded weird but let's not... i have a workout routine!!!! it's on my ipod in my notes but ofc my mom took it tonight sOOOOO tomorrow i'll post my workout routine, it's not super intense and it really makes me feel a whole lot better when i'm done. so yA.

- work out for half an hour if you're going to work out. i wouldn't push myself. 

- have a good meal before and after you work out so you don't completely drain yourself. 

- hot, cold, lukewarm, idc just take a shower afterwards.

- ways to work out are working out at home, the gym, riding your bike, playing sports, swimming, etc, etc. there's so many fun sports to try out and it doesn't even feel like a workout, it's just fun!

after all that, i literally just chill for the rest of the day aha. as i said, i don't work out everyday since i don't have the time to, i'm gonna tell you rn that i didn't work out at all in july. no shame. (that's a lie i ran a lot and was outside all the time in july and did rigorous dance but that ain't $hit.)

take my advice though!!! i'm starting to feel better after taking health tips from websites and other people. find ur happiness through health and what you love.


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