"Open up Cassie, you too Zass." Tank said loudly

We both shouted, "Just a second!"

"I can't believe he got here that fast!" I said.

"Tank knows how to stay out of the sun." Zass assured me. "You better put some clothes on Scott, unless Tank knows all about your little extras." At my nod, he shrugged then went to open the door.

Tank took one look at Zass's face and pulled him in for a huge hug. "Damn it's good to have you back Zass. I couldn't stand that other wanker."

"Careful Luv!" Zass joked. "He might come back and bite your ass!"

At Tank's frown, we both laughed. "Not happening big guy." I assured him. Zass is 100% here to stay. Mika's in there somewhere, but we're only worrying about that when he's horny." I said with an amused expression.

"So, all the time around you eh Scott?" He chuckled as we both shook our heads smiling. "Riiiiiiiiiight. So what's the scoop?" He asked taking a seat on the sofa.

We sat in front of him and Zass put on his best 'please' expression. "Tank, how would you feel about a change of direction?" Zass asked. "A... shall we say, more hands on position?"

"Spill it Zass. What do you mean exactly?" He asked with an eager expression, leaning forward in the seat.

"I'm going to step into the boots I've been neglecting for a while now." Zass said. "I'm thinking of a venue to run things from. I'm planning a nightclub with an additional piece of furniture the human clientele won't be seeing."

"A throne?" Tank asked.

"Something like that." Zass responded with a smirk.

"Finally!" Tank exclaimed, reaching over and punching him in the arm with one huge fist. "I'd given up on you actually leading. Aren't the Council talking about coming here and installing another Committee to run LA? I can't stand those fuckers. They've made a complete pig's ear of Vegas. All the different clans on the Committee all having different agendas. Man," he said running that same hand through his mane of wavy curls, "I've about had a gut full of that place I can tell you. Missy just puts the cap on the things that are biting my ass right now."

Zass smiled at Tanks rant and asked him the favour we wanted him to say yes to. "So if we offered you a position at the club. Something with authority but with less responsibility... What would you say?"

"Sign me up!" Tank crowed. "Immediately!"

We smiled at him and I said, "You don't even know what we have in mind!"

"I don't care. I swear. My third, Hera loves that furry Bitch. She can take over as 'Master' for all I care. Cerberus and a few of my other guys would come at the drop of a hat too. What's the job?"

"Head of security." Zass said with a smile.

"Done!" He said immediately. "When do I start?"

"How much of my personal security do you want to be involved in?" Zass asked and shrugged.

"You know I love you man." Tank said, "I'm down for personal security, club security whatever you want. It's going to be a nice change. I'll need to tie up some loose ends and find somewhere to live over here, but I'm sure that won't take too long. I've got the hankering to chase up a certain red head while I'm here anyway." He said with a smile.

"Jezebel?" I asked already knowing what his answer would be.

He cocked his finger at me and made a half smile as well as clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. I was very familiar with that particular 'Bang On' gesture. Zass used it quite a bit. I wondered who'd started using it first then giggled when Tank realised where my mind had gone and rolled his eyes. "OK you two." He said, hugging first Zass then me. "I'll go see what the lovely Jezebel's up to tonight and if she wants to change employers."

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