Chapter 32 Lose All Games

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Tonight's game was pure adrenaline rush for the entire team. Our Sentinels was up against the formidable Eagle Rock Halcyons. Both teams put up a good fight against each other. It was a physical game. Our run and gun type of play was having difficulty with the most defensive team in our bracket.

My head still throbbing from the intense analysis I have to do for the game plan and it seems like the Halcyons' coach was able to counter the arsenal in my book. The Sentinels was still in high spirits before and after the game. They sure was buzzing in glee after burying the Halcyons with a score of 78-72.

It was not our home crowd but the team showed their resiliency to win tonight. Chase was leading the motley crew with his crossovers and fadeaways at the corner pockets. Sean's long three was very much consistent throughout the game. Minimal missed. Luke was superb as the center with the rebounds and all the rumble below the ring.

I was called up to the commissioner's office after the game. I did receive a letter to a league invitational. I couldn't help but jumped for joy and fist pump on my own at the corridor while the audience exited the huge gymnasium of the Halcyons.

My phone vibrated in my jacket pocket. Waiting for you. Parking lot. came the text message from Chase since I'm riding with him. It made me smile for a bit. Good thing there was no awkwardness after the kisses we shared on my birthday. I didn't mind responding and hurried my way out of the building. Before I could get out of the main gate, two tall men decided to block my way.

"What's the meaning of this?" One of the men grabbed my wrist and I tried to pull away but the unknown person was strong. "Let me go!"

"Myah, right?" The other man puffed a cloud of smoke from the cigarette dangling from his mouth.

The sudden realization that they knew who I am made me nervous to the core. "How did you know my name?"

"You don't do the questioning here." His eyes were fierce and dangerous. "Your life depends on your answer with our offer."

I don't know how we reached the dark secluded portion of the building. My hands now held my strong hands at the back. The surge of spectators thinning every minute as I kept on looking backward hoping for other passersby.

"Don't think about screaming or crying out for help. Nobody's going to hear you from this location." The guy holding me from the back hissed in my right ear as the other one in front produced a glinting gun, waving it in the air to catch my attention.

"What do you want from me?" I managed to muster the strength to inquire while stalling time for escape.

"Want from you?" The man in front wearing all black leather outfit with a lip piercing mimicked my tone. "We just have a simple request from you as the Sentinels' coach."

"Who are you, people? Why are doing this to me?" I squirmed from the tight hold on both wrists. "To hell with your stupid request."

The gun in the guy's hand suddenly clicked. His arms raised with the gun pointed to my face. I closed my eyes, praying fervently that I'm just dreaming. That this isn't happening for real. My breath constricted in my chest. Breaths coming in shallow. No panic attack, please. Not now.

"She's not looking good, Nimrod." I can hear the guy at the back said.

"I'm not blind, Jorge!" Nimrod half exclaimed with annoyance. "Shut the fuck up! Say one more word and I won't hesitate to pull the trigger on you."

"Myah, can you hear me?" I felt my hair being pulled while weak grunts escaped my mouth. I opened my eyes and Nimrod's image was swirling in different directions. "Lose all your games in the invitational."

"I won't, idiots," I whispered in my weak state.

Jorge snickered and never wavered on his hold. "She's a fighter."

"Not a word, Jorge!" Nimrod lost his coolness. "You'll be paid for dropping your games." I can feel Nimrod's face on mine. His breath heavily fanning my cheeks. "Or else you'll be sorry."

"What do you mean?" My voice lifeless and weak.

"I don't want to go into details. Let's just say I can do things of questionable legalities."

"No!" I answered and received a punch in the gut. I heard wicked laughter from both unforgiving men until it faded away.

The coldness crept from the tip of my toes and up to my entire body. Darkness swallowing me up. I felt my body landed on the cold pavement with a thud.

The pain from the punch spreading as well as consuming me. My tears dripping from my eyes and from my mouth came a muted sound. I was drifting in the darkness and falling into a bottomless pit.

Just falling. Free falling. No ending. This is it. This is the end of me. I prayed that I'll just open my eyes. That everything never happened at all. How I wish I was with Chase. I smiled at the thought until darkness totally engulfed me.

Find me, Chase.

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