Snippets Time!!!

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Hello dearies,

How's everyone doing?

I know. I know. My updates are not constant. I've been lazy lately. Aside from laziness, I've been sickly too. I have a very sensitive tummy. I can't just eat anything I like. Hmmm.. I keep on telling myself I'll do an update during my rest days but I can't seem to do it.

I'm sorry if I whine on this snippets. I'm tired. Stressed. My schedule at work has also changed and I was very much unfortunate to get an ugly shift time. (sigh..sniff..sniff) My brain is working full speed ahead but not accomplishing anything at all. I hope you get what I mean.

I'm almost running out of ideas for the story and I do welcome suggestions. So please do comment, share, vote and like IJAG.

All the love in the world,



My rest days fall on a Mondays-Tuesdays so I'll do an update on these days.

It's Just A GameNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ