First Kiss

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The rain was falling harder now so I knew we had better get going.

Before letting her go, I took one hand off of her waist and placed it on her cheek.

Our eyes met and I leaned in closer. Skyler started to say my name "Cal-" but before she could finish I pressed my lips against hers, kissing her shyly.

Just as she started to kiss me back, really kiss me back, my phone rang.

She pulled away. "Shoot. I'm sorry" I tell her, embarrassed by how our first kiss was cut off so abruptly.

"Itsokay" she replies, also clearly embarrassed.

I answer my phone to find our ride has arrived. We walk back up to the street, sliding our wet bodies into the back of the car. We sat silently the entire ride home, again on opposite sides of the car.

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