This Is Luke

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Incoming Call From Unknown Caller

S: Umm hello?

L: Hiya! This is Luke from the other night...

S: Luke? Hi! How are you?

L: Well, a whole lot better now that I'm talking to you. How's your day?

S: Omgsh haha you're just so smooth Luke. I'm doing good though. So what's up?

L: Sooo I know this might seem strange but I was just really wanting to ask you out on a date. I really liked talking to you the other night and well, I wanna talk more! With you I mean haha.

S: Umm I don't know if that's the best idea or..

L: And I'm not taking no for an answer!

S: Well, are you sure...

L: Picking you up tomorrow at seven? Good? Okay? Be ready then! See ya babe.

"Umm, Meg?" I call out in the living room.

"What's up, love?"

"So Luke just asked me out. I'm sorry I'm sorry but I tried to say no.."

"Oh my god. My roomie is dating two 5sos boys at once?! This is awesome!"

"No no no. I thought you liked Luke? And I like Calum! Remember?!"

"Well duh, but that doesn't mean I can't also like Ash and Michael." Meg says whilst winking at me.

Wow I can't believe how supportive she is about everything. She's like the ultimate friend I've always needed.

But more so what I can't believe is the fact that Luke Hemmings just asked me out. Does he know about me and Calum? Does Calum know about me and Luke? But seriously this is my life right now? I shouldn't be complaining.

I fall asleep in bed contemplating all my thoughts.

Once I wake up I decide to check Twitter. The first thing that pops up on my newsfeed confirms my choice to go out with Luke.

A picture of a grinning Calum with a blonde wearing a tiny, skin clad dress leaving little to the imagination, sprawled across him.

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