Voodoo Doll

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I didn't mean to sound so cruel, but I needed her to leave me alone for her own good. I guess now she can see how bad I am for her. How could I even think someone as perfect as her would even waste their time on someone as messed up as me?

I don't deserve true love or happiness.

"Hey man, ready to go to the studio?" Luke asks.

"Whatever. Let's go." 

After working on some new songs for awhile, Luke and I take a quick break.

"Something wrong Calum?"

"I'm just fed up with everything. Messed up my chances with this girl I really liked and honestly, I'm always just like this. Why do I always have to hate the world so god damned much all the time? I just want to feel happy but it's hard when I hardly have control over my own life."

"I'm tired of seeing you like this. I don't know what to do. Writing helps so just like try to take all your stress out in the form of lyrics, okay?"

Tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll cause I can't control myself.
I don't wanna stay, I wanna run away but I'm trapped under your spell.

"Man, I can't believe we finished two songs today! Feels good to get everything off your chest huh?" Luke says to me.

"Yeah, it kinda helped I guess. What inspired you to write that other song?"

I wish I could have made you stay and I'm the only one to blame. I know that's it's a little too late.  This is everything I didn't say.

"Um, well I met this girl at the club the other weekend. She was really sweet and gorgeous but like as completely unsmooth as I was, she was really nice and just laughing with me and stuff. I don't know, it was cool but like I didn't get to ask her out or anything cause honestly I was sort of drunk and she just disappeared."

"Dude! Did you get her number at least?"

"Well yeah, but she probably thinks I'm some idiot."

"Ask her out. Just do it!"

"Alright, alright! I'll call her once we're back home." Luke says with a huge grin.

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