Studio Time

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"Ugh, jesus Luke stop screaming at me!"

"Calum, get up already! It's nearly one o'clock and we were supposed to be in the studio an hour ago!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just get out so I can take a shower. " I mumble to Luke.

It's been two weeks since my date with Skyler. I told her I would call and I tried, like so many damn times. But, I just couldn't.

She was so nice and sweet. She didn't belong with a guy like me. Everyone always thinks I'm perfect because I'm Calum Hood or whatever. But people don't even know me, all these girls just choose to act like they like me because of my fame. Then all the fans, like Skyler, think they must know who I am. But I'm not always the Calum people see in concerts, videos, and interviews. I wish I could be more like the nice and fun Calum I used to be.

I walk downstairs with some basketball shorts on and wet hair.

"Finally, dude, you've been sleeping for days!" Ashton jokes.

Luke, Michael, and Ashton are all standing in the kitchen eating leftover pizza.

"Alright, so it's your turn to go into the studio with me today." Luke says.

"Perfect." I say, still just thinking I'd rather be in bed.

On the way to the studio, Luke looks over at me and asks "Calum, what's wrong mate? You've been so quiet and I don't know, sad, these past few weeks. Don't get me wrong, I prefer it over the jerk you normally are but is something up?"

Luke knows I've had a hard time with the whole fame thing these past few months, so he gets why I haven't been acting like myself for awhile.

"Nothing, Luke. This life is just really tiring and of course I appreciate it but sometimes things are just too much for me" I tell him.
"Don't worry, this break from touring and all the downtime this summer will get me back to normal in no time."

Luke says "I hope so." Me too.

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