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I haven't been so nervous for a date in a long time, not that I've even been on one recently.

Well, I don't even know if this is actually a date.

I'm pretty sure Skyler thinks this is just me trying to be nice and make it up to her for being a complete jerk. Probably why she just said "Yeah, sure." when I asked her out.

I mean, really, I'm being an idiot considering apart from the short encounter we had last week and the text I sent her to confirm our outing tonight, we really haven't spoken.

How can someone I hardly know make me feel so nervous?

Apart from the fact that she's gorgeous and acts totally unphased by me.

Most girls I know would confirm our date by sending back a whole row of unrelated emojis. Then there's Skyler who sends back a "Pick me up at 7" and doesn't even bother to respond to my ":)" (which in itself took me a whole lotta balls to send).

I normally wouldn't even consider going out with any sort of fan, but she seems so different. She sucks every ounce of cool out of me. God, she's so intimidating.

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