Spotted With New Girlfriend

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calum's jawline in that picture though ajkcnsna can't even...


After that talk last night with Skyler, I've started to really fall for her. I haven't felt comfortable enough to talk to anyone about my insecurities and I never would have thought I would share all this so quickly with someone I hardly know.

I still have to wonder if she is somehow still in this for the fame, but I'm pretty sure that it is just my self consciousness trying to push its way into my mind. Skyler hasn't once treated me like I was famous or something, she's been so real with me and I just want to be myself around her.

When I woke up this morning she was gone. I fell asleep around four this morning while she was still awake so I'm not sure when she left really. One second we were watching a movie, then the next I wake up alone in bed.

I walk into the kitchen to have some breakfast with the rest of the boys.

"Ohhh Calum, how was your hot date last night?" Michael asks all annoyingly with a smirk spread across his face.

"Oh shut up, Michael" I say back sleepily, exhausted from the lack of rest last night.

"Ah come on Calum, we could hear you two giggling all the way across the house the whole night!" Ash chimes in.

" You really like her huh?"

I kinda hesitate before answering, knowing the boys will all make fun of me for it for who knows how long.

"Yeah, guys I think I really like this girl." I say confidently.

Surprisingly they don't give me a hard time at all. What's up with them?

"Sooo she didn't stay the night or what?" Michael asks.

"No, I mean I just woke up and she was gone. I don't know where she went."

"Dude you gotta text this girl and see what happened. If you like her you can't just let her leave like some one night stand!"

I grab my phone out of my pocket.

Hi babe. Sorry I passed out last night. When did you leave? I had a really great night and all so thanks for that. When can I see you next?

x Cal

As soon as I finish the text and get ready to press send, a screaming Tracy comes bursting into the room.

"Calum Hood! What were you thinking? What the hell is this?" my publicist yells in my direction. She holds up the cover of People Magazine.

Written across the top in bold letters "Calum Hood From 5 Seconds of Summer Spotted With New Girlfriend"


"Management is not going to be happy about this. You know how bad this is for publicity. The fans are already tearing her apart all over social media and how do you think it looks 'dating' a nobody?" she says extremely irritated.

"That's not even my girlfriend!" I argue back.

"Not yet at least!" Michael screams from the other room with all the other guys chuckling along.

Not helping guys.

"Listen Calum. You know how fans react to this stuff. You're all about to go back out on tour in a few months and we don't need some random girl killing the hype. You need to focus on your future, not dating. Besides, you know the whole world is just going to rip that poor girl apart once they realize you are taken."

"Jesus, we were just hanging out. It's not a big deal! I can do whatever and whoever the hell I want!"

Management has always put such a strain on our personal lives but for some reason it's only me who gets it the worst. Ashton had a girlfriend for over a year but no one ever complained to him probably because she was some reality star, which got the band even more attention. It's like whenever I try to do something for myself or live a normal life, I get punished for it.

I storm up to my room and send the text to Skyler, realizing I should do whatever I want no matter who it is going to piss off.

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