Waking Up

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When I wake up in bed, I notice Calum is gone. Not too sure how I ended up back in bed, I sit up and observe my surroundings. His shoes are gone so I guess he decided to get out before I woke up. I knew he wouldn't want to see me this morning. Thinking more about it, I feel so embarrassed for going to sleep with him last night. I just couldn't fall asleep knowing he was right there on the floor.

I get out of bed and hop in the shower. I let the hot stream of water warm up my body. Finally feeling a little more rejuvenated, I turn off the shower and wrap a towel around myself.

I listen through the door to hear if Calum is back yet.


After kind of realizing that he probably isn't coming back to see me at all, I sit myself down in the window of the bedroom, looking out into the beautiful New York City.

Then suddenly the door opens and there he is, standing with his hands full of coffee and breakfast food.

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