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Well, this loft wasn't all I was expecting it to be but it's spacious enough and this view of Downtown LA is to die for.

Just a few hours ago I said my goodbyes to my family and now I'm left here in this city, where I know no one.

"Sky, please be safe and have fun this summer" my dad said ten times before he walked out the door.

"Yes Dad, I know. Everything will be fine." He gave me a hug and went to wait for my mom in the car.

"Honey, I know you wanted to spend the summer here before school starts but I don't feel comfortable leaving you here without knowing anyone in this big city".

"I know, but we talked about this Mom. It's for the best that I get to know the city and find a job before school starts up. I'm ready to start living my dreams." She rolled her eyes and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Besides, Meg will be here soon and I won't really be that alone anymore."

I met Meg online through a FALA student forum. We both would be freshman this year and she shared the same feeling about the academy dorms (gross) so we ended up here sharing a loft.

I gave my mom and hug and kiss goodbye, as we both wiped the tears away from our faces. Living in San Francisco for most of my life, I never have really been apart from her. I've never been on my own for that matter.

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