Sleeping Beauty

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I hear the door handle jiggling, so I shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep. I've been exhausted just worrying about where she went,
so as much as I wanted to, I couldn't fall asleep.

I feel her watching me as she stands by the door. I don't know if she's still upset so I decide it's probably best to keep my sleeping act up.

Skyler spreads a blanket out on top of me and lays down on the bed. She tosses and turns for awhile, but I just lay completely still listening to her every move.

After a short bit of time, I feel myself start to really fall asleep even though I can still hear her moving around in bed. Just then, the bed creaks, indicating that she must have hopped out of bed. I feel a small breeze of cold air as she lifts the blanket off of me. Then suddenly, I feel a warm body next to mine, pulling me in close. We're now face to face, but I'm too scared to open my eyes because I don't want to ruin this moment. Her soft hands lightly cusp my cheeks, and still thinking I'm asleep, she places the gentlest kiss right on my forehead.


I don't think I imagined that kiss, but I am definitely not imagining that we slept together all night because when I wake up, our feet are tangled together and my arm is wrapped around her waist.

I slowly get up, since I'm not sure how she would feel about having slept next to me all night. She probably doesn't know I felt that kiss either. Neither of us have even talked about me kissing her on her head before falling asleep on the plane. She probably regrets all of it.

I throw on a sweatshirt and make my way out the door like a ninja. I take one last glance at my sleeping beauty, but decide to tuck her back in bed before heading out.

Now that she looks more comfortable, I head for the door again.

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