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"Yuck! Couples." Ashton jokes as he walks in on me and Calum snuggling on the couch.

"Eww girls!" Michael shouts.

Then, out of no where Luke hops over from the other side of the couch, completely smashing Calum and I!

"Wow you guys are so annoying!" Calum shouts as we both shove Luke off of us, laughing hysterically.

It's been two years since me and Calum officially became a couple after that meet and greet. Things have been going even better than I could have ever imagined. 5SOS is doing amazing, having become one of the most popular bands in the world. I've been lucky enough to go on tour with them, as their full time stylist! Not only have my dreams come true but I get to spend every day with the love of my life.

I never would have thought moving to LA, running into a member of my favorite band, and living life on a rollercoaster would have lead me to this point. I don't regret a single thing, knowing in this moment I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. I have met some of my best friends, becoming even closer with them while on tour. But most importantly, I have fallen in love with the most perfect human being for me on this planet, Calum Hood.

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