Green From Envy

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"Do you think it worked? You think he believed us?" I ask Luke.

"Are you kidding? Did you see his face! He was practically turning green from envy. Okay, not actually but I've always wanted to say that. We got to him good though!"

The other night me and Luke decided to be the best of friends but trick Calum into thinking that we were still dating. It seemed to be working. It wasn't too hard considering me and Luke had gotten to be close the last few weeks. But we both felt bad for putting Calum through this.

"Lukey? Do you really think this is a good idea?"

"Skyler, I know him better than anyone and I know he likes you, but he doesn't think he deserves you. The truth is these past few weeks, whenever he hangs out with you or talks about you, it's the happiest he has been in a long while."

I immediately smile from the whole idea of making Calum happy.

"But is this the best way to do this? It's so mean." I ask him.

"This is the best way to force him to see you, otherwise you know he is going to try and push you away for your own good. I feel bad going behind my mate's back like this but he's so stubborn, it has just gotta be done."

I nod in agreement but still have that bad gut feeling I can't really shake.

"Anyways, we have a special show in New York next week and you're coming, okay? As much as I wanna spend time with my bestest friend, you gotta use this opportunity to get with Cal."

"New York? Ohmygod Luke! That's amazing but I really can't afford to go there right now. Ugh I'm sorry."

"Skyler, best friends don't let their best friends pay for a trip they were invited on solely to get with their other best friend. It's something that I insist on paying on, as new bffs!"

As uncomfortable as I feel accepting this, I know Luke won't take no for an answer so there's no point in arguing.

Happy Never AfterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora