Luke's Bed

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When Calum walked in, I mean I was surprised to say the least. I wasn't expecting him to come back at all, let alone with breakfast and this super sweet attitude.

After I got past that, I remembered that I was only in a towel. Whoops.

I sat on the bed with my plate full and Calum plopped right next to me, bouncing the muffin off my plate.

I giggle at how clumsy he always is.

"Callll, this muffin is all dirty and now we only have like 49 left to choose from." I tease, holding the perfectly fine muffin in my hand.

He quickly grabs it out of my hand and shoves half of it in his mouth.

"Tastes-fine-to-me" he jokes with a huge mouthful. Then he takes the other half and forces it into my mouth.


I'm half laughing and half chewing this massive bite in my mouth, trying to catch all the crumbs before we make a huge mess.

Once we finally stop laughing and finish that darn muffin, Calum smiles at me, making me melt per usual.

"Great, now look at all these crumbs we'll have to sleep in tonight" I say pointing to the mess we made all over the bed.

"Not like we even used the bed last night." he awkwardly responds, clearly wanting to talk about what happened.

I just smile back, not even knowing what to say.

"Sky? Why did you sleep with me last night?"

I play around with the straw in my orange juice before responding.

"I don't know, Calum. It's your room so I didn't want to take the bed." I tell him, not making eye contact since it's not really even the truth.

"Oh. Well then why did you kiss me?"

Shoot. I thought he was sleeping. I wasn't expecting him to even notice that. There's no safe answer to this without admitting how much I like him.

"It was just friendly, like it didn't mean anything. Kinda like when you kissed me on the plane..."

"You know how I feel Skyler. I kissed you because I like you, because I wanted to. It might not have meant something to you, but it did to me. I don't know how to feel when you're with Luke but cuddled up in bed with me."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

"I wish you weren't sorry for it." Calum responds with his wide eyes and adorable face looking right at me.

"Technically we were sleeping on the floor, in a blanket, not the bed. So there's that." I add just to avoid the serious comment he keeps saying.

"Well, it looks like we're both sleeping on the floor again tonight since there's all these crumbs on the bed now." he teases, knowing I'm not fully ready to dive into this serious conversation with him.

"I'll be sleeping in Luke's bed tonight anyways."

I instantly regret saying that as soon as I see the smile disappear from his face.

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