Back to work

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The girls name was Millie and we both got along really well and it turned out she played loads of cool instruments and she can sing and we sung and played really well together so I decided I wanted her to join me so I went to talk to dad about it.
Once we talked he agreed on hearing us both first.
We decided on playing one 21 pilots song and a rock song.
After a week of practicing it was finally time and we was going to meet Millie at aderline records.
When me dad tre and Mike got there she was waiting outside and I could tell she was a little nervous.
"Hey" I smiled
"Hey" she waved and we hugged and then she suddenly went all shy when green day walked up behind us and I could tell she was trying not to fangirl.
"Alright let's go in" I said and we all piled inside.
When we got to our recording studio we both set everything up and called green day in.
"Wow you look like those 21 pilot people" tre said sounding exited
"Tre there only doing rock screamo and metal" Mike chuckled
"Ready?" Dad asked grinning
"Ready" I said grinning back and gave Millie the thumbs up.
Once we had played our songs we both waited in the studio while they decided wether to just have me or let Millie join me.
After what felt like forever billies voice came into the room.
"You made it!" He grinned and we both squealed in delight.

Sorry that was a shitty chapter but it was just a filler. The next one will be better I promise!!!!

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