Chapter 9 Present and Past

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After reading that I went up to the front desk and told them to tell Diana's parents I would be back later. I went home to get a shower, and get new clothes on. When I did get home, I looked in the mirror, and I looked like the hot mess express. I was dirty, my make-up had run, and my hair was all messed up.  

I wasn't even energetic. I was walking around like a zombie. I got my clothes together and went to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and got in. When I was in the bathroom, I started to hear sirens. I ignored them, and kept doing what I was doing.  

After my shower I dried off, dried my hair, and put it into a ponytail, then fixed my make-up. After I was done doing all of that a hour had passed. I walked downstairs and the news was on. I decided to sit down and watch the news. The reporter came on the T.V. 

"Two major stories from yesterday and today. Yesterday Sixteen Year Old Diana Janet was found half dead at the Old Toy Factory. Right now she is at the hospital. Reports say Diana is in a coma, and is on life support. Nobody knows if she is going to die, or live." He said. Taking a pause.  

"In more recent news, we might be closer to the end of who killed Shelly. Shelly is the most known girl around here right now. For several at the beginning she was missing, then her body was found. There have been evidence leading to people who might have killed her, and there is now a new lead. His name is Alex DeGernero. He was found with a hoodie, that Shelly was wearing the night she died. It had her blood stains on it. Now we are going to live with the main detective on the case. Det.Marge." The reporter said. 

The camera view had changed to Det. Marge. "Yes. This year I picked up this case. The detective working it last year got nowhere with this case. I believe he was looking in all the wrong spots. I looked here, to her death place, to towns close to here. I have dug deep. I am also investiagting the murder of Micki Hetulnz and Dave Hultz. I am also looking in who stole Shelly's body. I believe I have the culpert who stole her body, and who killed Dave. Micki is still unknown, and now we might have the killer of Shelly." Det. Marge said.  

The news went on to sports and stuff. I recieved a text message. It took me a minute before I pulled my cell phone out of my bag. I opened up my phone. I didn't click open text though. I just stared at my screen. I finally opened the text message.  

I decided for you. I decided to get Alex out of the picture. The question is, Did I Plant That Hoodie and Tell the Cops? Or Did he already have the hoodie, and I told the cops? 

-It's Nice To Be Me. 

I dropped my phone on the couch and just sat there. This was all really hard to believe, how I went to having everything I ever wanted in life, to now my life is a game full of twists and turns. I never know what to expect next.  

Lisa's P.O.V. 

I know when we were in the hospital I acted normal, and didn't seem to care, but I did. Someone had to remain calm. If everyone was freaking out and crying no one would be able to stop. I do care about what happens to Diana, but I just have to remain calm.  

I've been in to many predictaments where I've been hurt and no one was there to remain calm for me. I know how it feels. I recieved a text message, and looked down at my bed. I picked my phone up and answered the text message. 

I see I have you thinking of your past. How does it feel? You are holding up all of these people, but no one was there to hold you up when your mom left you. So sad for you. For me, it's a way to torture you. Remember I know everything, I know what happened to your mom, and if you didn't betray you could have probably seen and talked with your mom. Your Bad. 

-It's Nice To Be Me. 

I put my phone down. I started to think about the day my mother left me. After that I became a emotional reck. I was almost sent away to a crazy house, because of her leaving. I closed my eyes and thought back to that day. 

It was a cold and rainy day. You could tell this day was nothing, but bad. My parents were argueing like they always did. They didn't seem the way they use to as a little kid. When I was little they were always so happy, spoke french to each other, and everything. Together they taught me french.  

My dad would always tell me is wasn't my fault, but I felt different towards my mom. She just for some reason hated me. I don't know why either. Before she left, we got into a giant arguement. My dad left the house in a hurry, not wanting to be around my mother anymore, but I still wanted to be around her. 

I walked out to the living room, where my mom was sitting down. I sat down on the couch next to her. "What wrong mom?" I asked her. She looked up and took a puff of her cig. "Don't act stupid. You know exactly what's going on." She murmured to me. I gave her a weird look.  

"I have no clue what wrong." I said back to her. "You. You are whats wrong. We were in love. Before we had you. You ruined this family." My mom yelled at me. I didn't what to say at first. I could tell my mother had been drinking. She went into fits like this when she drank, she never would say sorry about them though. 

"But-But you guys seemed fine just a few years ago." I said. "Yeah, we pretended for the sake of you, but I have realized I shouldn't pretend no more. You literally mean nothing to me." My mom said. She got up and put her cig out. She finished off a bottle of Jack Daniels, then put her boats and coat on. She started heading towards the door. 

"Where are you going?" I said as I stood up. My mom stopped and turned around. "I'm leaving." She said in a dry voice. "When will you be back?" I asked. "Never. I'm leaving for good, to never see your pathetic ass, or you no good for an excuse dad." She hissed at me. She opened the door and slammed it behind her. 

I came back to my senses. After that day I never saw her again. I never heard from her again. My dad he didn't know what to do. He couldn't stop crying himself. I had no one by my side to help. A woman I loved, and I looked up to hated me and left me. I don't know how to ever forget that.

Masked, Lies, and Stealthy- The Lies Series. Part 4Where stories live. Discover now