I nodded.

"There are going to be those who are going to resent the fact that I've assumed rulership.  Some live in LA because they wanted to get away from that kind of style and I was the reason they came here.  I guess they thought I was 'modern' and wanted to embrace those kinds of ideals.  When they find out I'm actually going to be making decisions on my own, without input from their clans, that's going to stir things up.  That and the fact that I'm not going to be bowing to the Council as much.  Which is why I'm going to need enforcers and people willing to take up positions with me and quickly.  I'm going to need people I trust, friends who are willing to step up and join me in the day to day running of this city and finding a place to rule from.  But I'm also the one who will be responsible when things go wrong, when issues can't be sorted out peacefully and I'm the one who will have to choose winners and losers with each case that comes before me.  Finding time to spend with you and our friends.  Finding moments to steal away from those kinds of pressures to spend with you Scott, that's the thing that might be hard initially to find time for."

I nodded in understanding.  Then asked, "You said you had a bit more separation from your emotions and that would make you a better ruler.  What about your feelings for me?"

"They haven't changed Scott.  I still love you.  I still want you and I still need you.  I might need you to be a bit more forceful sometimes, especially when we're making love.  There might be times I'll need you to just straight out fuck me instead of being gentle.  I know that you understand we've both changed physically recently.  We can both take a lot more punishment and also give it.  Can you accept that?  Was Mika right?  Will you be squeamish when it comes to giving me a taste of pain occasionally?  Will you let me feed from whomever I want if that leads to me needing sex too?  You have my heart Scott.  There will never be another who I love the way I love you.  You wear my ring still and I know you love Zass.  Can you love the part of me that is a bit darker too?"  He looked intently at me as I thought about what he was asking.

"I can't pretend that I'm going to accept you fucking around on me Zass." I said straight out.  "If you need the taste of another kind of blood and you get itchy for something fresh, you can satisfy that hunger.  But I will never agree to you going behind my back and just having sex with someone.  That would mean I would leave you Zass.  No matter whom it was." 

I almost heard the collective intake of breath from the watchers at my demand.  I guess deities don't like being told they have to be faithful.  Not that those two in particular even tried to stay true to their partners.  I heard two throats being cleared and said aloud, "If you two don't want to hear things that you don't like, you might want to leave and let Zass and I figure this thing out on our own." 

Zass grinned slightly at my School Teacher's voice towards our parents, then we heard, "Play nice." From Zeus as they appeared mistily in the window.

Then "A little wiggle room?" From Poseidon before they both offered farewells and left us.  I nodded to my Father and he smiled and mouthed, 'Proud of you Son.' Before turning to walk away with Zeus.  Zass offered a small farewell wave as they disappeared before returning to contemplate my ultimatum.  He frowned as he thought about my demand and then his expression cleared as he nodded his head in agreement.

"You're right.  If we are truly together that means no sex on the side.  I can accept that.  If my thirst is quenched, I can wait until we're together to satisfy my other needs too.  It's not like I didn't have a lot of practice while I was single." He said and then flashed a quirky grin at me.  "Besides, like I told Mika, you aren't straight vanilla and there are still so many things we have to explore."

"Yes there are." I agreed.

At his slightly woebegone expression I added the kicker that I knew would bring a smile back to his face and possibly more than that.

"Just because I don't want you fucking around on me doesn't mean I won't accept adding a little bit of spice every now and again."

His eye focused on my face with laser like intensity and he leaned toward me in eagerness for me to explain what I meant.  I said one word and he sucked in a quick breath before a huge grin exploded across his face.  What was that one word?  "Alex."

"I'm not going to restrict you to Alex either Zass." I said making my meaning clear.  "If there happens to be someone that totally flips your switch and you want them beyond distraction, I'm telling you right here and now that I'm probably going to be a little sad that I'm not enough for you.  But if you wait until I've met them and discover what it is that has you so distracted, I would try to be open to exploring something with them too.  As long as we explore those things together."

I found myself being flattened by an extremely happy Vampire as Zass threw himself into my arms so forcefully I fell flat on my back.  He smothered my face in tiny kisses, covering my eyes, forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin before finishing off on my lips.  That was the kiss I remembered, the kiss of love and lust and everything in between.  And there was nothing between us anymore either.  I knew whatever happened we would work together to make sure Zass was the ruler he needed to be and when we were alone, the lover I wanted him to be.

"Um, Scotty." He whispered as his lips moved across my cheek and headed towards my ear.

"Yes?" I asked turning my head so he had access to my neck.

"The sun's going to be up soon.  Do you think we've got time for a welcome back quickie before we need to get the blackout curtains up?" He said, licking the curve of my ear and then nuzzling my neck.

I remembered what our Fathers had hinted at and said softly, "Why not watch the sun come up together and then take our time?"

At his suddenly hesitant expression I added, "Immortal remember.  I don't think you're going to have any issues with the sun from now on.  But maybe you should have a quick drink, just to be on the safe side."  I desperately wanted to feel those fangs against my neck again.

"I can walk in the sun again?" He gasped, turning to face the windows.

I nodded and smiled as faint light from the rising sun crested the horizon.  He was at once excited and still indecisive, I moved behind him and rubbed his back as his breathing got faster and we waited for the dawn.

Zass watched the light as it increased in brightness and the first morning rays finally reached our room.  I folded him in my arms and we watched it rise together.  A huge smile lit his face as something that had caused him so much fear and pain become beautiful again.  He stood in awe as the bright orb flooded the landscape with colour and parts of the spectrum that had been lost to him for nearly 700 years were laid out before us. 

The sun's light on his skin made him shimmer and the pale perfection I adored under artificial light became a radiance that almost stopped my breath. 

I fell in love again at that moment and when his eyes met mine I wept for joy at the frosty Arctic Ocean blue that was reflected there.

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