“That’s so messed up.” He laughed back. “So big Jack isn’t all he’s cracked up to be?” I knew this was going to be our topic for discussion. It should be, as I brought it up. But I knew I couldn’t tell Tony about what had happened a few minutes ago. He’d get all mad, and right now, I just wanted to talk to him.

            “I’m ignoring that jab.” I told him. I was quiet then. “Your parents home?”

            “Yes,” he sighed. “I’ve actually locked myself in my room until it gets late enough to go out. Probably sneak out through the window.” Tony can’t be with his parents. They are as obnoxious as mine, but ten times worse. I’ve only heard Tony’s dad talk twice, and his mom…well let’s say she probably has on her matching sweat suit, but in lime green and rhinestones on the back and pockets. Her hair was probably perfectly straight, and makeup applied as if she was going out to a club. Tony can’t stand how fake they always are.

            “Well, guess where mine are.”

            He was silent for a moment, and then I felt his smile through the phone with his laugh. “Oh God, they’re with you?”

            “You got it,” he burst out laughing at my bad luck. “Drew’s here also. I think he scared Jack shitless. He’s ‘got your back’ as Drew puts it.”

            “Wish I was there,”

            “Me too,” I said without thinking. It was quiet for another moment. Until he said my name softly.

            “Jules,” he sighed. I felt my stomach turn. “Why? Why’d you call me?” He sounds defeated, like he knew this was going to hurt later.

            “I…I was with Jack, and I couldn’t stop thinking of…us. How much you mean to me. And everything started to hurt, so I…well I left.”

            “You were kissing him, and you, just for a second, pictured it was me?”

            I blushed at how easily he found out the truth. “Yea,” tears started to roll down my eyes.

            “Hey, it’s…it’s okay Jules,” he softly whispered through the phone. “Did you do anything else?”

            “No, no,” I whispered back. I was shaking for some reason, as he let out a sigh of either relief, or discontent about how I was reacting. Then I heard a squeak from the floor boards. My heart stopped for a moment, but I heard his voice call my attention back.

            “So what’s the matter babe? Are you okay?” He was on edge now.

            “I don’t know, I just…I have this feeling.” I whispered again. Feeling that the squeak wasn’t just the house, I wanted to make sure no one heard me talking. I sniffed again. Attractive. “No, I know. I just needed to talk to you.”

“Well who doesn’t want to hear my sexy voice? Is that what you wanted? Phone sex?” I let out a giggle after trying to hold it in.

 “Stop it. Okay I’ve got to go. Thanks again. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, no matter what, I’m your best friend.” Pause. “Be good, don’t kill anyone.”  

“I will. See you later.” I said pressing the end button. I heard a sigh on the line right before silence. I was destroying him.

That’s when I realized that this couldn’t wait. That I would always have feelings for him. Just the way he does the things he does makes me go crazy. I needed to get out of this. I have to stop hurting everyone because I’m afraid. My friendship was on the line. I don’t think this could go much farther without a horrible ending.

I placed my phone down on the counter loudly, and then cursed myself for the volume. I still had the feeling someone was there. “Whatever…oh eww.” I complained aloud to myself about the volume and the girl who looked back from the mirror. My makeup was all askew, and my nose was running like a marathon competitor. I was wiping my face when I heard a knock

            “Hey Jules?” Someone said uncertainly. I cleared my throat, trying to sound okay again.

            “Yes? I’m sorry, I just…have a headache. Is everyone waiting?” I asked Jack. I didn’t realize I’ve been in here for 12 minutes when I looked at my phone’s clock. What a mess.

            “No not really,” He laughed aloud to himself. I was sure that my mother was the one not waiting. Even his younger sister would be waiting. “I just wanted to see if you were okay.”

            “Couldn’t be better Jack,” I lied again. I need to stop lying.

            “Okay, so should I-“he started. By then, what makeup I could find was applied, and I swung the door open. He was standing there, looking at me with a worried expression. Guess the power of girl’s makeup didn’t fool him.


sorry about the wait loves, my computer had a virus. please please please PLEASE comment on the phone call, and tell me if you want me to switch over to Tony/Jules POV. love you guys <3 sorry its short, but hey, its a .5 chapter. 

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