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Okay so here is what I am gonna do,I have two different 30-day fanfic challenges,and I'm gonna do 15 from one for 'x reader' and 15 from the other for otps.
So here's the deal,
I'm gonna post the lists of the x reader and the otp ones,and you,my little dorks,can request any of them for any character/otp.
You CANT request more than one character/otp for one 'day'
You CAN request multiple times.
You CANT request for something that has a request.
You can request different ones for the same character/otp
BUT I am only allowing a maximum of 3-5 'days' for the 'x reader' per character,depending on the character.
For the otps I will just decide.
IF there is some 'days' that go unrequested I will choose.
These won't go on for a month,I'm just gonna post them as I come up with em.

Also on my personal book I'm doing a challenge sorta thing. The book is called personal shit.

ALSO I AM STARTING A KIK CHAT!Anyone can join,but if you act rudely you will be disinvited. Just join in,introduce yourself(you don't need to give your real name) but this isn't for rp! The hashtag is #Dorkwithspork!Join if you'd like to talk to me!

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