CHAPTER -22 ' Hide & Seek'

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'You live with your parents? 'Vyan asked. I really don't care why all of sudden he is showing interest in my life but I guess he just getting bore because my car stereo is dead like a doornail from past one month so their is no music to entertain us . I was not able to get it fixed because I was busy with shifting work and was fully devoted towards my new home correction my sweet little home. So I guess the least I could do is to have a little chit chat with none other than Mr. Superstar.

'No, I just shifted with Nicole and my parents live in Texas.' I said. Practically, I should be mad at vyan because he didn't let me drive my baby I know I am not the best of drivers but no one drive my baby. Yes, you get it right I am one was those people who name their cars and my black Volkswagen  beetle is named Baby by none other than super girl me .

'How old are you by the way? 'Vyan asked. Another question about me he has set a new record he didn't mention about himself from last 10 minutes which is quite amusing because all he is talk about is himself.

'For example :-

''I am god gift to girls ''

''Look I am  MR.perfect 10 ''

''You know what Angel you are turning me on''

'I turned 19 last month 'I said. Vyan was driving and I was giving his directions now and then. But I had nothing much to do because the GPS is doing its work and giving us directions .

'So, are they cool about you living all alone especially when they are thousands miles away.' vyan asked.

'No way in hell they will be ever okay with it if could they could they have me locked up in house all my life 'I said in a silvery voice.

'So, how come they allowed you to come here 'vyan said .I can't believe he is really want's  to know about my life history. I just hope he stops the questionnaire because it getting on my nerves I am pretty bad at telling life stories or life changing incidents.Like nichole it's just not my thing .

'Why you are so interested? 'I asked making a face which screams I hate questionnaire and you know what i hate more is to answer them .No wonder the big headed so called superstar will care he will keeping ask because he loves to irritate me .

'Just curious 'Vyan said smiling .God why he has to smile it melts me like I am a ball of snow. Have I ever mentioned I hate snow because I hate winters I am summer girl.I hate being covered up with wool .

'I confronted them 'I said smirking.

'That's Nice, what did you say?'

'I said Hey, mom and dad all my friends have shifted to their own place past summer. I don't want to live this controlled and restricted life if I was meant to be controlled I am pretty sure I would have born with a remote. I know you love me a lot   and I love you back but it's time for me to change paths so that I can explore the world both outside and inside me. Please let me go. Then they being the best parents in the world they did what was the best for me they let me go.'

'Did you seriously say those words to them? 'Vyan said chucking.

'You better keep your eyes on the road otherwise we both will be no more be alive to grace the world with our presence 'I said in a serious tone.

'You know what angel you have the ability to say they most serious things in most funny way ever 'vyan chucking even harder .

'Yeah right, now drive straight 'I said. At last vyan agreed and turned his eyes towards the road..

'Okay, sorry now tell me did you seriously said those words to your mom and dad 'Vyan asked curiosity vivid on his face.

'First promise you me you will keep your eyes on the road 'I said .

'don't worry sweetheart you are in safe hands ' Vyan said seductively .Oh god this guy is a bipolar sometimes he is all serious and another moment he is back on his I am the jerk here ready to flirt anywhere and everywhere . Five brownie points to me because this shit actually rhyme.

'Okay don't be mad I promise 'vyan said looking at me and his hand rested on the driving wheel.

'I make out with our neighbors 22 year old son 'I said embarrassed. I know why but telling his all this is slightly more uncomfortable to me that usually it is.

' So you make out with your neighbor 22 years old son and you parents allowed you to come all the way to New York that doesn't make sense ' vyan said looking like 5 years old who is trying hard to solve a puzzle . No kidding him looking dam cute and the glasses he is wearing is making him look hot. Anybody ever mentioned that I can't bear the deadly combination of hotness and cuteness all together . I can feel those unrealistic butterflies erupting in my stomach.  This is not happening why in the world I am saying all this bullshit and feeling butterflies in my stomach. I can't fell for his charm hey lord help I can't even get into more trouble than I am into.

' When I first told them I want to get my own place to live they didn't give it much importance and let it pass but soon they had a change of heart when they caught me making out with our neighbor 22 years old son . Actually Nicole and I planned it all so my parents get the hint that I am no more their little girl but instead a grown up young women who want space and a little freedom in life. But I miss them so much I really wish I never asked to leave '

Vyan didn't say a word after that he followed the GPS and drove silently until we reached are destination .

'I can't see any lights, drinks and above all people angel 'Vyan said looking a bit angry.

'' Then it means we are at the right place 'I said in sotto voice.

'I didn't get a word of what you said 'Vyan said.

'Have you ever heard about HIDE & SEEK 'I Asked.  Oh god tonight is going to get dirty and a lot crazier.

HEY! People thanks a lot for the votes and comments please let me know what you think about this chapter. I love you all. I don'tk now how to show my gratitude .

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