Waking up

981 24 2

Change Of Hearts

By - Angel R.

Track three (3)

Waking Up

I knew what we had was too beautiful to be true

I knew that I was living a dream

But believe me I never wanted to wake up

I never wanted my dream to end

The last thing I wished was you to wake me up

You ended my dream

Too soon, too bad

I wished it to begin again for days

But I know it's not going to happen ever again

You waked me up to keep me awake, forever

All I know it won't last for ever

Because soon the pain will fade way

Like everything we had did

I never wanted to wake up

I loved living my dream

I loved breathing the same air, you did

I knew what we had was too beautiful to be true

I knew that I was living a dream

But believe me I never wanted to wake up

The last thing I wanted was you to wake me up.

It won't matter who but I never wished the person who wake me up to be you

Nightmares is all I have, even when I am awake

Your thoughts keep coming over again and again

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